Make it fun to learn new languages! Readmio is your pal, at home or at school.

Make it fun to learn new languages! Readmio is your pal, at home or at school.

Knowing how to speak (and read) a foreign language is a huge advantage in today’s world — some might even say it’s an essential skill. That is one of the reasons children are taught foreign languages from a young age – often at primary school, and sometimes at the preschool stage. Not to mention all the foreign words our children encounter in their everyday lives. Learning an additional language doesn’t just mean poring over a textbook or doing grammar exercises.

Have you tried switching to another language in the app?

You know those favourite Readmio stories that you and your children have read over and over again? Why not try reading the same story in another language – German, for example, or Polish? It’s very simple to switch between languages, and you’ll find your beloved Cinderella and all those stories about tractors and diggers there as well, the bonus being that now you can read and hear them in a different language! As the storyline is one the children are already used to, the narrative will be familiar, as will the sound effects, letting your child know where they are in the story, and thereby making it more comprehensible.

The app is currently available in five languages – English, German, Polish, Czech, and Slovak. And we are fast at work preparing our content in more languages, which will be available real soon!

Don’t worry, the app’s user-interface can remain in your original language. 🙂

The perfect choice for bilingual or trilingual families.

Is yours one of the many families who use more than one language on a daily basis? Or perhaps your children have grandparents or cousins who live in a foreign country? Readmio is ready for you: you can switch back and forth freely between the various languages your children know and use (or those they wish to learn). By making use of the multiple language versions of our stories, you can help your child expand their vocabulary in all their languages. Meanwhile, they can still choose their favourite bedtime story, no matter who is going to read it to them on any given day. That way, every member of your family can read aloud to your child in their own native language! 

Readmio as a prompt or tool: make learning languages at school more attractive!

Are you a teacher looking for an interesting tool to assist your pupils with language learning? Let Readmio help you out! Our app is full of engaging short stories that not only provide ideal listening material, but can also be used for practising reading and comprehension. Why not choose our story about an elephant who goes to primary school, or one of many about famous scientists and inventors? Or perhaps the well-known tale of The Three Little Pigs? There’s an abundance to select from!

At school, Readmio can be used in several ways:

  • The teacher reads aloud to the class, allowing the app’s sound effects to help the children better engage with and understand the story.
  • The story is downloaded and printed-out so that the children can follow the words that are being read. If the English and foreign language texts are placed side by side in front of them, this can maximise comprehension. 
  • The children read the story aloud themselves, sentence by sentence. When they read the words correctly, the app will reward them with the corresponding sound effect! 

Have you used Readmio in another way when teaching foreign languages? Or maybe you have further ideas about how Readmio could be used in language learning? Tell us, please, and we will share those insights with other parents and teachers! Let’s all work together to bring more joy to our children’s learning process! 

Nina Nagy

Nina, a mum of three, is always on the hunt for fun and engaging activities for her family. She loves learning about child development and enjoys exploring new cultures and experiences, so reading is an essential part of her life. In her writing for Readmio she shares her insights and creative ideas, inspiring parents to incorporate stories into their own daily routines.


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  • Build a healthy habit of reading to kids every day
  • Start by reading free stories that are included
  • Unlock all 500+ stories, new tales are added every week
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