Tips for relaxed reading at home or How to enjoy reading with your children even more

Tips for relaxed reading at home or How to enjoy reading with your children even more

What do you think of when you think of autumn? Is it the Indian summer, shorter days, the last of the warm rays, the colourful leaves, a pocketful of chestnuts, … ? Or maybe it’s the dense fog as white as milk, the light drizzle and near-zero temperatures? And there may be another thing that comes to mind: the desire to snuggle up under a blanket, open a nice book, and ignore whatever weather is occurring outside the windows, while glancing out from time to time, to feel even more cosy.

What kinds of things do you do to make reading time even more enjoyable? Do you enjoy reading with your children? Here’s what works for us:

  • The right story. The best reading starts with — how else? — choosing the reading material. Download Readmio today! Is your kiddo in the mood for a really scary story? Do they want to learn something? Or would they rather hear a tale that warms their heart? Or try visiting the library, secondhand bookshop or charity shop with your child, and take plenty of time choosing a book, one for each of you, and perhaps one for another. 
  • Convenience. Does your child have a favourite reading corner at home? Some people like to crawl under the covers to read, others like to nestle into a cushy chair with a blanket, and still others prefer to surround themselves with pillows on the living-room sofa. Kids tend to really love lounging in beanbags and on fluffy rugs. Wearing comfortable clothes is important too. 
  • Something good to sip and munch on. If your reading session is at bedtime, refreshments are not such a good idea. But if it’s during the day, this could reasonably be accompanied by some nice herbal tea (we suggest fruit or rooibos scented with honey and African sunshine), accompanied by a few of the biscuits you baked together beforehand, or a handful of healthy treats from the pantry. 
  • Look after your eyes. The autumn drizzle often brings an unpleasant gloom to the atmosphere. Don’t forget to turn on a lamp — if you’re reading in the evening, then choose warm-white light (blue light disturbs sleep). If you’re reading from a phone or tablet, configure the display so that it doesn’t emit blue light during the evening hours. 
  • Take your time. This last point is key, whether you’re reading in the living room, the attic, or even in the bathroom. Take it slowly, let the story resonate. Talk to your child about what you have just read, ask them what they thought of it. Then it needn’t matter if it’s hailing outside or the wind is howling — in fact, you’ll be glad for such wretched weather, as it adds to the cosiness.

Nina Nagy

Nina, a mum of three, is always on the hunt for fun and engaging activities for her family. She loves learning about child development and enjoys exploring new cultures and experiences, so reading is an essential part of her life. In her writing for Readmio she shares her insights and creative ideas, inspiring parents to incorporate stories into their own daily routines.


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