Davey’s New Game

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Davey asked for an electronic game for his birthday — one that had received a lot of hype. When he is given it, his life changes. At first, the game excites him tremendously, but after many days of continuous playing he becomes so absorbed that he stops paying attention to his family and friends and doesn’t get any exercise or fresh air. To find out what becomes of Davey, have a read!
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Davey’s New Game
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Davey is in primary school. He is good at kicking the ball around, and he also enjoys swimming, riding his bike, and running about in the playground with his friends. He has lots of good ideas, too, which he likes to share with his friends. But then his birthday arrives.

For his birthday, Davey had asked for a new electronic game — one that he’d heard some other kids raving about. He was a well-behaved child — he paid attention at school and he also helped-out at home, so his parents were glad to grant his wish. However, from the moment he received the game, everything changed.

It was just as amazing as all the hype. Davey loved the brightness of the display and the loud, integrated sounds. Although he was a little ashamed to say so, he couldn’t wait for his birthday party to be over so he could give the game a proper try.

As soon as he switched-on the device, his eyes lit up, his fingers seemed to be stuck to the controller, and his ears stopped hearing external sounds. He couldn’t stop playing it, he couldn't peel his fingers off the controller.

“Davey, do you want to go out and play?” asked his little brother, who was holding a football under his arm and was about to head outside.

“No thanks, maybe later…” Davey muttered, without taking his eyes off the flickering screen.

“But Davey, all our friends will be there, they’re all coming,” his brother continued. But he did so in vain. Davey didn’t even respond anymore. So his brother took the ball and left to join their friends. Of course he understood why Davey didn’t feel like playing — a new toy is a new toy, after all. But…

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