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This winter fairy tale for the youngest children is about an unhappy boy named Jake. He has to stay in bed because of the flu, so the only thing he can do is look through the window at his friends skating on the lake. But then the magical Frost appears outside of the window and cheers Jake up with his magic brush.
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Jake's mother shut the front door, leaving him at home alone. He never liked it. Especially when he didn’t feel well. It almost made him cry. It was such a marvellous winter day outside, but he had to stay home because of the flu. What was even worse, he couldn’t go to his skating class, either. Oh, how he wished he could go outside at least for a little while!

Feeling frustrated, he crawled into bed and watched a blizzard outside start to flurry. Fluffy snowflakes were swirling outside of the window, adding to the white blanket that was gradually settling on the roads.

Then a face appeared in the twirl of flakes. Jake couldn’t believe his eyes so he pinched himself hard. But the face was still there - and it even smiled.

The boy summoned all of his courage and said: “What are you?”

The Snow Face said: “I am Frost. I've been watching for some time now and I can see how unhappy you are. So I came to cheer you up. I usually work at night. But I’m making an exception for you today.”

An icicle paintbrush emerged from the flakes. Amazed, Jake watched as the glass in his window became filled with pictures of icy flowers.

“Do you like them?” Frost asked in curiosity.

“I like them a lot!” answered Jake with a smile.

“Then watch this,” said Frost, winking at the boy as he moved to the next window.

He put the brush to work: and an ice painting of a winter landscape appeared on the glass.

Jake gasped in astonishment.

“And that’s not all!” cried Frost, and he blew powerfully on the third empty window pane. And you'd never guess it: another Jake appeared in front of Jake! He immediately recognised himself in…

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