Brothers Grimm
The Three Feathers
A story from a collection of fairy tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm. An old king decides to give his kingdom to one of his three sons. To choose the most suitable heir, he gives them three tasks.
Once upon a time, there was a
While father was away, mother would make clothes for the wealthy. She was an excellent seamstress, but because they couldn’t afford to buy a sewing machine, she had to sew by hand. Her fingers were all pricked as she often had to sew at night, by the light of the dim lamp. The needle would slip and prick
Hansel and Gretel helped their parents with everything. Hansel carefully mended their old cooking pots by patching up the holes, because they didn’t have any money for new ones. He dreamt of visiting
One day, Father fell very sick. A week passed and he still couldn’t get up from his bed. Soon they started to run out of firewood and it got cold in the house all at once. The family couldn’t even cook. Hansel couldn’t stand seeing his parents so worried but he didn’t know how to help.
One morning he
Gretel didn’t hesitate and quickly said, “If Hansel goes, I’ll go with him. Together, we’ll be safer, and I can pick some forest berries and mushrooms. We can dry them and eat them through the winter!”
After a long conversation, their parents agreed to let them go into the forest.
“Don’t worry, Mama, we’ll be back home by sunset,” Hansel assured her worried mother, as she hugged her goodbye. And so the siblings set out to the forest. Jolly crickets’ chirping
“Hanseeel, Hanseeel!” she cried
Hansel could hear Gretel calling him from far away. He dropped all the wood from his back onto the ground and rushed off in search of his sister. The song of crickets started to fade because not even they dared to go that deep into the forest. Then, as if on purpose, all of a sudden the sun hid behind the clouds and it started raining
“Hansel? Hansel!” The boy could still hear desperate cries coming from somewhere in the depths of the forest.
Hansel’s desperate search wasn’t a success for a long time. The rain finally stopped, but the sun had gone away, and in its place shone only the pale light of a full moon. By the time he found Gretel, the sky was completely
Suddenly, they noticed a flashing light in the distance. It looked exactly like the little lamp they had in their kitchen back
A sweet little old lady came out and said, “My dear little children, why won’t you come in and rest for a bit? You look lost and tired”
“Thank you, kind lady, but we can’t,” said Hansel. “Mama and papa must be so worried about us, we need to rush home”
“In the middle of the night? Don’t be silly! Stay here overnight and then you can set off in the morning” The old lady smiled and waved them into the house.
Hansel and Gretel were knackered, so they had no choice but to agree and follow the old lady into the cottage. As soon as they lay down in bed, they fell fast asleep.
But when Hansel woke up in the morning, he looked around, surprised to see that he wasn’t in a bed anymore, but locked in a cage! Through a small hole in it, he could see Gretel cleaning. The sweet old lady wasn’t sweet, after all, but a mean
Gretel quietly approached the cage and whispered, “Hansel, it’s even worse than you think! I heard the witch mutter to herself that she wants to fatten you up and then throw you in her oven and roast you and eat you. And I’m supposed to serve her and do everything she orders me to do.”
Hansel tried rattling the door of
“I have to go,” Gretel whispered through the cage. “But when the witch returns, she’ll want you to stick out a finger to see if you’re fat enough yet. Stick out this bone I brought you instead.”
And that is exactly what happened. After a while, the witch came to the cage and told Hansel to stick out his finger. Hansel held out the thin bone. The witch pinched it, shook her head, and ordered Gretel to bring him more cakes. For weeks and weeks, Hansel ate plenty but only showed the witch the little bone he got from his sister. The witch didn’t notice because the cage was in a dark chamber, so she never realised that Hansel was
One day, the witch lost her patience and ordered Gretel to make a strong fire in the oven.
Gretel already sensed what was going on, so she immediately rushed to her brother.
“Oh, Hansel, this is very bad indeed!” she whispered. “The witch wants to roast you and eat you tonight!”
“Don’t be afraid, Gretel. I’ll make something up,” Hansel said.
When the oven was burning hot, the witch came into the chamber and opened
“Hello, Hansel, dear. Why don’t you come with me so I can show you something,” she said, sweetly.
Hansel obeyed her and crept out. There was already a crackling fire
“Hansel, my sweet, why don’t you climb up and put some more wood in the stove so we can warm the room up a little,” she said, slyly.
Hansel tried to climb up to the door several times, but each time he slipped and fell on purpose.
“I can’t seem to do it,” he said to the witch. “Can you show me how to climb up there?”
The witch grumbled something to herself, took a log, climbed up to the door, and then, right when she was about to throw it on the fire, Hansel and Gretel pushed her into the oven. The oven banged shut and rumbled, flames shot out
The happy children whooped and jumped on the old wooden floor in celebration. Suddenly Hansel broke an old board and his leg got stuck.
“Wait, I’ll get you out,” Gretel said, and started pulling on Hansel’s leg as hard as she could.
Once they had managed to free his leg, they noticed a hiding space
“The wise old owl is bound to know where home is,” the children thought. And they were right. After a while, Hansel thought the forest looked familiar. Then they saw their own house and ran to it as fast as they could. They hugged their parents over and
“Mama, can you bring a bowl from the kitchen?” Hansel asked.
His mother didn’t understand why he would need an empty bowl. But she went to the kitchen, took a bowl and put it on the table. The children walked to the table, smiling, and poured all
Mama and Papa were shocked, but after Hansel and Gretel told their parents the whole story, they all knew that their family was extremely lucky. Hansel and Gretel had saved