How Roamer and Scoot Saved a Bird

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Roamer, the young tomcat, loves adventures. He looks forward to new ones with Scoot, his friend. Imagine his surprise at finding the huge, dark dog guarding a small bird that has fallen out of the nest. For this adventure, the cat learns something about selflessly helping others.
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How Roamer and Scoot Saved a Bird
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The young red-coloured tomcat, whom everyone called Roamer (though his real name was Rusty), was laying in the garden. He swished his tail here and there to drive away the annoying flies. It was clear he was terribly bored. His mother cat took good care of him and gave him all her love, but Roamer missed adventures.

He would often think of Scoot, his dark and fluffy neighbour. When his mother was teaching him to hunt mice better, Roamer occasionally slinked around the fence, or jumped up on it, walking across it like a balancing bar. He always peered to see if there was a large black dog somewhere. But there was no sign or trace of Scoot.

The tomcat wondered what could have happened and his forehead felt wrinkled from all of the worry. Then he eventually told himself: “Enough! It'll be better if I stop slinking around and just go and see what’s going on."

He leaped, landed softly and went to the end of his garden. He soared as elegantly as an arrow over the fence and in an instant he found himself in the neighbouring garden. With his head held high, he went straight to Scoot’s kennel.

The young tomcat landed right on the kennel’s roof and began to slowly lower his head into the entrance. An upside down face like his would cheer up the dog if it was gloomy!

“Hello?” he meowed. But no one answered. “Where are you?” Roamer raised his voice a little. “C’mon, Scoot! Where are you?”

“Hi, there!” he heard growl right in his ear.

Roamer shrieked and fluffed his tail before he fell in front of the kennel. When he woke up on the ground, he noticed a laughing pile of black hair next to him.


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