Plasto’s Adventures

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This story has a very untraditional main character – a piece of plastic! Find out about the unusual adventures he went on and the places he visited, and discover more about recycling and protecting the environment.
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Plasto’s Adventures
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Dear children, if you are all sitting comfortably then I will tell you my story. My name is Plasto and I am a necklace. A very pretty necklace. Maddy made me, and now I live with Anne. She likes me a lot, so she wears me almost everywhere she goes. I’ve already seen so much with her! I’ve been to the theatre, to the cinema, and even to the zoo.

When Anne isn’t wearing me, I get to have a rest at her house. I have a special place on her jewellery stand in the bathroom, right next to two of my friends – a string of pearls and a bracelet. It’s lovely and warm in the bathroom, the sunshine streams in through the window and it smells pleasantly of soap.

But my life hasn’t always been like this. A long time ago, I was a children’s toy, a plastic puzzle ball. When they first made me in the factory, I felt wonderfully proud and couldn’t wait for some children to play with me. There were lots of us at the factory and we were all very excited.

After a little while, we were taken to a shop where we waited for someone to buy us. I was beginning to think I would be there forever when one day I saw a little boy run up to me. His name was Jake and he picked me up straight away.

“This one, Mummy, I want this one!” he called out, turning to his mum. She agreed. They took me to the checkout, paid for me and took me home. At last I belonged to someone! I was so happy. My new home smelt of vanilla and I loved it there. What’s more, lots of other toys…

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