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This winter fairy tale is about snowflakes that fly from the sky, get to know the world stretching beneath them, and finally land directly on a Christmas tree.
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When water evaporates, it turns into water vapor. Vapor then rises high above our heads and meets dust and pollen particles, changing into ice crystals around them. Once there are loads and loads of these crystals, they bump into each other, stick together and grow into snowflakes. The snowflakes form a cloud, and once it becomes really heavy, it starts snowing, and snowflakes start falling all the way to the ground.

“Come on, brothers and sisters. It’s almost our time. Let’s join our hands! Quickly! I’m going to count down and when I say go, we will all jump, alright?” said the bravest snowflake.

“Yes! Brilliant!” yelled the other snowflakes eagerly. Every one of them was different. They all had different shapes and each of them was beautiful. Not one of them looked the same.

“Three - two - one - go!” The snowflakes let go of each other and flew down to the ground.

“Oh, it’s beautiful! Isn’t it?” they all laughed.

“Yes! It's spectacular!”

“Look! What’s that thing flying over there? Is it a snowflake as well? But it looks so big! Wow! And the strange noise it makes!” cried the tiny snowflakes in surprise.

“Oh, that’s not a snowflake,” laughed one of the more experienced snowflakes. It wasn’t her first time in this shape. “That’s an airplane.”

“Air... Come again? We can see it’s in the air, but what does a plane mean?” wondered her younger sisters. This was their first trip to the ground.

“Well, an airplane is a machine that takes people from one place to another.”

“Oh. Right. I still have absolutely no clue what you’re saying, though,” sighed one of the youngest snowflakes. “What’re people? And what’s a place? And what's a…

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