The Angry Bus

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An old bus and its trusty driver have been driving their route together for many years. Every morning, they help to get all the impatient, in-a-hurry people to work. They’d been through a lot together and nothing could easily ruffle their feathers. But one day, something awful happened and it crossed just about every line and the bus reacted. What did he do?
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The Angry Bus
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The city was bustling with life, just like always. There were thousands of cars in the streets, many buses and trams and a whole lot of annoyed and irritated people. You could hear angry voices, honking cars and squealing brakes from every direction.

Everyone was in a hurry, everyone was chasing after different things, and nobody seemed to realise that all of those people getting in their way had just as good a reason to be angry. They were in just as much of a hurry as everyone else. It was all one big mess.

One man was leaning out of the window of his car, waving his fist at another man. That man was standing in the middle of the street and swinging his briefcase above his head as if he were about to throw it after the reckless driver. Cars from all of the other lanes were joining in on the honking, their drivers mad with haste and screaming in impatience at each other. All the different noises combined into one big, deafening cacophony. In all of that chaos of honking cars and angry voices, nobody could understand a word anyone else was saying.

In the middle of the traffic jam, there was a bus waiting patiently. It knew there was no point in adding to all the din. It had tried many times before, but it had never made a difference.

The people inside the bus screamed their heads off at the driver, of course: they were in a hurry, too! Just like everybody else.

“Don’t worry, old champ, we’ve been through worse than this. We won’t let this crazy circus get on our nerves,” said the driver and patted the steering wheel of the bus. In truth, all he really wanted was to open…

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