The Animal Menagerie

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In this story, you will meet the Polish scientist Simona Kossak and her extraordinary animal family, who lived together in the Białowieża Forest. Simona was a biologist and an expert on animal life, and in her household there really were many of them - for example, a small crow, a wild pig and a lynx! Read the story to learn more about this extraordinary family.
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The Animal Menagerie
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Everyone in the area knew of the frightful Korasek. They could hear his “Caw, caw!” from a distance, and anyone with any sense would rush home and slam their doors shut immediately. The lumberjacks would guard their saws. And unsuspecting cyclists may, or may not, be attacked.

“He’s coming!” neighbours would call to each other. “Put your valuables away!”

So, who was this Korasek, and why was he so feared? Why, a crow, of course! A very mischievous and daring crow, who terrorised the entire area of the European primeval forest.

“Caw, caw!” he’d shrill, which meant “Here I come, ready or not!” or “Caw, caw, caw!” he'd holler, which meant “Trinkets, trinkets, come to me!” If, however, you only heard one “Caw!”, it meant Korasek had found a target for his wrath: a cyclist riding innocently through the forest.

He’d swoop down, pecking at the head and hair of the rider until they finally fell. Then he’d gallantly land, while the wheels were still spinning, and look smugly at the results of his havoc. There was only one thing Korasek feared - and that was Froggy, the wild boar he lived with.

Wait a minute, I hear you say. Why are a crow and a wild boar living together, if this is supposed to be a true story? Well, the truth is, they had a very diverse family living under one roof, with their parents Simona and Lech, who happened to be human.

The noise was deafening in the house!

There was Froggy the wild boar; Korasek the crow; Pepsi and Cola, the moose siblings; Agata, the lynx; Hepunia, the travelling donkey; a black stork that lived in an open chest in the bedroom; some owls; some hens; some buzzards;…

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