Korean Tale
The Delicious Stone Tteok
This old folk tale reminds us that when we are smart, we can overcome the most difficult obstacles, even if we are at an obvious disadvantage.
There was once a man and a woman who had one billy goat and
One day the man was complaining about the animals, saying to his wife: “Let’s chase-away the ram and the billy goat, for otherwise they will eat-up all our
When they heard the man’s threat, they immediately ran out of the courtyard. Once they reached the meadow, they stitched together a knapsack out of scraps and then went out into the world.
They had walked and walked when suddenly they noticed something lying in the middle of the
The billy goat said to the ram: “Lift-up that stone, dear ram, because you are strong.”
But the ram quickly responded: “Oh no, you had better do it yourself, billy goat, because you are bold and daring. I am afraid of it.” At last, they decided to lift it together, and then they put it in the
They had walked for ages again when suddenly they saw a bonfire in the distance.