The Fox Who Wanted a Prettier Tail

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Sophie the fox is bothered that her bushy tail does not match the beauty standards of others - especially when other foxes make fun of her. But an unexpected accident reminds her that she has completely forgotten to appreciate what she has.
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The Fox Who Wanted a Prettier Tail
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It was autumn. Nature had cast a spell on the leaves and changed their colours to red, brown, and gold. A fresh, cold wind blew through the branches and bushes. The migratory birds were slowly getting ready to leave, so the forest animals organised a farewell party for them. Everyone had to look nice: to grind their claws, brush their coats and drive the fleas out of their fur.

This was exactly the case with furry Sophie the fox. She twisted in front of the mirror and looked at herself from all sides. She smoothed her snout, polished her round glasses, and sprinkled her fur with fragrant water. And only then was she ready to go outside.

It was already bright in the clearing. The warm sun beams shone in every nook and chitter-chatter and laughter was heard everywhere.

Sophie, feeling neatly groomed, mingled with the noisy crowd. Suddenly, she noticed two foxes from the neighbouring woods. Both had shiny fur, sleek snouts, filed claws, and proudly brushed magnificent, bushy tails.

Everyone thought they were the most beautiful foxes at the event. Sophie looked at her tail. She had been combing it with love only a moment ago. Suddenly it seemed tiny, dingy, and ugly.

“Look at her tail. She looks like a dog," one of the foxes whispered to the other, pointing at Sophie, and they both giggled.

“If I had such an ugly tail, I’d never step out of my den," the second one replied and they giggled again. Then they waved their bushy tails and went to taste the honey cakes.

Sophie stood still and was about to cry. She could feel the heat rising in her face. The fox looked again at her tail and the more she looked, the uglier it seemed. That's when she…

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