The Good-natured Imps

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What (or who!) keeps plants healthy and ensures they grow well? The process of nurturing all the greenery is not always straightforward. In this story, we get to the root of it. Here you’ll be transported to the world in which teeny-tiny imps secretly look after the forest, taking good care of the natural environment and ensuring that it prospers.
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The Good-natured Imps
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Plants are everywhere around us — trees, shrubs, flowers, grass, and more. But what makes plants grow? And why are they so lovely? Children develop and become stronger due to the food they eat. However, no one cooks lunch or dinner for a young tree in the forest. There’s nobody to even prepare breakfast for them! Has anyone ever seen a tree feeding on pasta or mashed potatoes?

No, plants require a completely different kind of food. For starters, they need good soil, sun, and water. To become powerful they must absorb nutrients from the earth. Most of them prefer the soil to be soft and loose, to get the most benefit from it.

Somewhere in the world there’s a fairyland, where all the plants are beautiful and full of life. Not a single tree has ever withered in this place called Impia. Are you wondering where it’s located? Some say it is very far away... and others say it’s only a short distance from your house.

In the realm of Impia, there are teeny miraculous creatures living underground. They’re called imps. They help the trees, bushes, flowers, and grass grow well and stay healthy. These creatures resemble humans, but they’re much-much-much-much smaller, actually so tiny that we humans don’t notice them at all.

The imps have strong hands with large claws, a bit like those of a mole, which are needed for loosening the hardened soil. They also have powerful hind legs for mixing the clay with rainwater. The resulting concoction is one that all plants adore. The imps call it mud soup. Every living thing that’s green enjoys it!

Two imps named Blato and Mies got up extra early this morning. That’s because Blato could hear it raining outside. As…

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