The Good Witch and the Apple Tree

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When three brothers cannot find a girl they want to marry, they ask the village elder for advice. She’s a good witch and gives them good advice, but it’s not so easy to carry out. Can the boys follow her instructions and find their ideal brides?... This traditional folktale shows the importance of forgiveness and compassion.
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The Good Witch and the Apple Tree
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In a small village, there lived a widow who had three sons. The boys had all attained a suitable age for marriage, and would indeed like to get married. However, none of them had yet found a girl in the village that he liked.

“Sons, our neighborhood is full of hard-working, industrious young maidens,” their mother said to them in a somewhat scornful tone. “And many of these girls have been eyeing you for some time now. Why are you hesitating?”

Feeling disgruntled, the brothers just wrinkled their noses. They, too, didn’t understand how it was possible not to like any of the girls in the whole village. They hemmed and hawed, they discussed it together, they wondered over it... until finally they decided to visit the village elder for advice. She was said to be a witch. Surely she would be able to help them find a bride.

And so they went to the timber cottage where the old woman lived. The brothers stood on the threshold for a while before knocking on the door, uncertain as to whether asking for her help was the right thing to do. Though they wouldn’t admit it to each other, they secretly hoped that no one would answer. But, in less than a minute, a hunched-over elderly woman with a deeply lined face and gaunt hands appeared at the door. Her one-eyed black cat was twisting itself around her ankles. They now had no doubt that she was a proper witch.

“What brings you here, young men?” She was speaking from behind a scarf that was wrapped low around her head, almost covering her eyes.

“Well, we’d all like to get married, but none of the girls in our village are to our liking,” the older…

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