The Hungry Hoover

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The hoover from this fairy tale greedily gobbles up everything, not just dust and dirt. One day, in search of more to gobble up, he decides to leave the house - but soon pays for his greed. Luckily, a kind lawnmower helps him out in the end.
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The Hungry Hoover
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Once upon a time, the Dustbunny family lived in a small house, with their robotic hoover. He wasn’t an ordinary hoover though. This one was always hungry. He loved dust, filth, dirt and every other kind of rubbish one can possibly imagine. He would hoover – well, eat, as he calls it – every single day. Every morning, trying not to wake up the whole family, he would take a tour around the house and sweep up every corner. He usually feasted on the sand, dirt, and stones the kids had brought in from the garden. Cat hair and cat food on the kitchen floor had no chance to go unnoticed – He would swallow them up in a second! It wasn’t even really unusual for him to hoover even those that were still in the poor Kitty’s bowl.

“Om nom nom. I have hoovered the entire house, and I still have a little room for dessert,” said the hoover to itself.

“You ate all the food from my bowl! What am I supposed to have for breakfast now?” cried Kitty, having crept up on the hoover.

“You shouldn’t have made such a mess. I only cleaned up what I had to. After all, that’s what the Dustbunnies bought me for, and I don’t plan to just loaf around somewhere in a corner,” retorted the hoover.

Camille, the eldest daughter, woke up first. “Good job, Kitty, you’ve eaten everything so fast” she said, giving a look at the empty bowl.

Mr Dustbunny came soon after her. “It’s wonderful to wake up to a house so sparkling clean! Getting that robotic hoover was a marvellous idea,” he said.

The delighted hoover thought to himself: I’m happy when the family’s happy. What’s more – my tummy is full.…

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