The King of the Wind

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If we go after our goal and are not discouraged by obstacles, we will always find someone to help us.

A young lad sets out in search of his sister, who has been stolen by the king of the wind.. But when he finds her after a long journey to the wind castle, he must complete several of the king's tasks to get his sister back. How will he deal with them?
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The King of the Wind
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In a land far, far away, there once lived a kind king who had a son and a daughter. What a charming couple they were, a handsome devil of a boy and a girl as beautiful as the stars. Their father had a lot to be happy about, indeed, and enjoyed gazing at them when the siblings took their daily walk in the colorful flower gardens, hand in hand.

One day, the king was on a ride in the city with his daughter when suddenly a strong wind blew in through the carriage window. A-whish a-woosh! and the princess was gone! The king, baffled, looked everywhere, but his sweet girl was nowhere to be found. They searched the streets, the houses, the nearby fields. Nothing!

He then sent his servants to look for her all over the country, high and low. They sought and searched, but it was as hopeless as looking for a needle in a haystack. That’s when the poor king surrendered to his grief and tears.

“I have lost her - lost her! My beautiful darling girl… where have you gone?” He started to cry big, heavy crocodile tears.

“Oh, father!” said his brave son, with a heavy heart. “Please don’t grieving. Don’t lose hope yet! I’ll go looking for my dear sister myself. I am sure I’ll find her somewhere and I won’t stop looking until I do!”

The king gave his son his blessing, armed him in case of danger and sent him off on his journey.

The prince walked over big hills and deep valleys, calling his sister’s name, asking people on the road, but there was no sign of the young princess anywhere. As he travelled the world, far and wide, he reached a lake with a flock of ducks splashing about…

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