The Masquerade Ball

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Dennis, a model and well-behaved pupil, is very much looking forward to the school masquerade. He disguises himself so well that none of the children recognise him. And so he discovers that suddenly he doesn't have to be polite or good. After all, no one can see him. But is this really true?
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The Masquerade Ball
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The school masquerade ball was about to start and Dennis couldn't wait. He hurried home after school so that he could put on his costume as soon as possible. With his father and mother's help, they'd been working on it for almost two weeks.

First, he carefully put on his silver suit. There were sparkly patches carefully sewn on it - like indicator lights. And next to them various symbols were drawn. Then he took a large painted box from the table - it was a robot's head.

He and his father had attached tiny colored flashing lights to it, so it would light up like a real robot. Dennis looked proudly in the mirror, not even recognizing himself in it. "Well done!" he thought.

The school gym was decorated with balloons and paper garlands that changed colours when the light beams from the stage hit them. In the darkness, all of the children's masks looked life-like. And indeed, there were plenty of them!

Dennis, too, mingled happily with the handful of superheroes, vampires, spacemen and queens. He even spotted a gorilla and a cactus! Everyone wanted to show off the masks they'd made for today.

"Wow, that's an awesome costume!" said a sunflower, whose voice sounded exactly like Veronica from the next class, as she stopped Dennis. "I don't recognize you at all. Who are you?" she asked cheerfully.

"I'm-a-ro-bot-of-course," Dennis said, mimicking a robotic voice.

The sunflower giggled, but still didn't recognize him. Dennis liked this game, and made up his mind to stay undercover all night tonight. He believed that if he was smart, he could do it. His friends will be amazed tomorrow!

Dennis was quite popular in the class. He had good grades, he was polite to the teachers, and if someone asked him for…

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