The Noble Tower Crane

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Work on the construction site is about to get underway, and the machinery is ready to go. Two diggers are showing-off their skills. Only the crane stands apart, as his time has not yet come — he must wait until the foundations are in. The diggers start to make fun of the crane, teasing him about being useless. But then the tables suddenly turn, forcing the snarky diggers to recognise their ill-behaviour…
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The Noble Tower Crane
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It was very early in the morning. In a field on the outskirts of town, a team of builders had gathered, all of them wearing safety jackets and hard hats. They’d arrived by car some ten minutes ago and were pacing back and forth, waiting for the others.

Once everyone was there, the workers unrolled some large drawings on the bonnet of one of the cars and had a discussion over the plans for the new housing estate and school. After a while, they nodded, shook hands, and grabbed a roll of red-and-white striped tape, stretching it around the entire building site. Construction could now begin!

Two diggers and a tall crane were standing in the car park next to the site. They were keen for the works to start! They’d already spent a couple of days eyeing one another before eventually one of them broke the silence.

“I can’t wait to get digging,” proclaimed the big digger.

“Me neither!” added the little digger. “I love shovelling and scooping things up. But my favourite activity of all,” he continued excitedly, “is when it rains and I can mess around in the squishy mud!”

The crane didn’t want to be left out, so he also chipped in. “Well, I really like the bit that comes after that, when I can lift huge portions of wall and watch as the buildings grow taller and taller.” For ages, the three of them chatted and chatted about how much they were looking forward to their work.

Soon enough, it was time for the diggers to get digging. They scooped and shovelled all day long. The big one made huge holes in the ground and the little one followed close behind, making sure the surface was left nice and…

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