African Tale
The Turtle, the Hippo and the Elephant
This story is about a smart little turtle that tricks an elephant and a hippo in order to gain their friendship. This African fairy tale also explains how turtles and tortoises came to exist.
Deep in the mountains, there once was a teeny-tiny little hidden village full of lovely little
One day in the dead of winter, the tiger got quite hungry. He decided to come down from the snow-white hills to the village and catch something delicious to eat.
With his ears pricked up for any sound, he quietly crept around the snow-covered houses, listening. Suddenly, he heard a child crying its heart out in one of the houses.
He quietly crept up a little closer. There was a baby boy inside weeping and wailing, sad and
“Oh, what a nasty sound!” said the tiger, with more than a hint of annoyance in his voice. “If I eat the baby, there will be no more crying.” He licked his big, black lips. The tiger, ready to jump, peeked through the window again, but then the baby’s mother started speaking.
“Oh, look! A fox!” cried out the
But the baby paid her no mind. He wailed on and on and on, maybe even louder than
But the baby wouldn’t stop, so she impatiently tried again.
“Oh no!” she