The Toad Who Asked for Rain

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The whole earth is afflicted by a huge drought and so a little toad decides to go and ask the gods for rain. The gods don’t take his visit seriously at first, but he comes up with a clever plan to attract their attention.
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The Toad Who Asked for Rain
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Once upon a time, long long ago, a very unpleasant thing happened in Vietnam. There was a huge drought. It was so incredibly dry that the ground started to crack all over, all the flowers, shrubs and trees dried up and all the people and animals became desperately thirsty. Not a single drop of rain fell on the parched land for four whole years.

One day, when it had got so bad that he couldn’t survive without water any longer, a toad decided that he would make the long journey to heaven and tell the gods what was happening.

The toad gathered the other animals, told them about his plan, and asked whether any of them would go with him.

A crab crawled out from the crowd of thirst-tormented animals and said: “I will go with you!”

“Me too,” added a buzzy voice as a bee landed on the crab’s shell.

“Count me in too!” called a fox, stepping forwards.

“And me,” growled a bear.

“I’ll join you!” snarled a big tiger.

So the very next day, the six animals set out on their journey. They walked and walked until eventually they reached the gates of the heavenly palace. In front of the gates they saw an enormous gong. That gave the toad an idea.

“Crab, you hide over there in that water jar,” he suggested, “and Bee, you stay here behind the doorpost. The rest of you, hang back until I call you.”

Then the toad took the drumstick and hit the gong so hard that a loud boom resounded far and wide. When the great god heard it, he sent the thunder god to find out where the noise had come from.

The thunder god told him: “My Lord, a little toad sounded…

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