Tony the Tractor

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Neither a prince, nor a courageous knight is the hero of this story for the little ones, but in fact it is brave Tony the tractor. Tony always does his best to help all the inhabitants of the farm, so when he hears that an evil dragon has kidnapped the princess, he does not hesitate and decides to go to its cave to save her.
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Tony the Tractor
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Once upon a time in a kingdom hidden far away, behind seven mountains and seven valleys, there was a large farm filled with many animals. Every morning, the animals would wake up and the farm would become a flurry of activity. The hens would cluck all day long, and scrabble around in the dirt looking for earthworms. The piglets would roll in the mud, scratching their backs and grunting with satisfaction. The white geese would proudly stroll around the yard, gaggling over each other as loudly as they could. The lazy tomcat would always be watching over the whole farm from the roof of the farmhouse, softly meowing to himself from time to time. And what kind of a farm would it be without the rooster which would wake everyone up in the morning with its crowing?

But this was not an ordinary farmyard. There was one more very important inhabitant living here – Tony the Tractor. Tony helped out the farmer everywhere he needed him. He would start his powerful engine and drive to help the farmer hoe potatoes, sow seeds or plough the field. Sometimes he would also help the lumberjacks in the woods. Tony would watch them chop a tree down, and when it was on the ground, he would start his engine again, shift up a gear and pull the hefty trunk away.

Often, a really rare guest would pay a visit to the farmer – the princess herself. The farm often hosted the princess for long dinners and lunches. She lived in a nearby palace, and she loved going there to taste the farm delicacies.

One day, a horrible dragon wandered to the farm just when the princess was visiting. It flew over the farm, spewing burning flames from its mouth. Everyone rushed…

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