Why Dogs Smell Their Tails

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When the people of long ago Mexico behaved badly towards their faithful companions, the dogs gathered for a great meeting to put an end to it. They agreed to ask one of the greatest Aztec gods for help, so they wrote him a letter. In our story, based on an ancient legend, you can find out what happened. And a reminder to always treat our four-legged friends respectfully and kindly.
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Why Dogs Smell Their Tails
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People living in present-day Mexico are very familiar with an ancient legend. According to this legend, long ago, all dogs were deeply sad. Yet at the same time, every single dog that was born was extremely loving to humans. Each of them eagerly accompanied a man, wherever they went, and kept them company in any activity.

They went along for walks and barked at strangers. They went along on dangerous hunts. Dogs even served men faithfully in building dwellings. Each dog helped their person every day until they grew completely old. No one could really complain about the dogs, because no other living being in the world had more devoted friends than humans did.

Unfortunately, the villagers were ungrateful and treated their steadfast companions with disrespect. They showed no affection for their dogs, and seemed not to care about their little lives at all.

The dogs rightly thought that they deserved much more considerate and kind treatment. So one day they gathered in a large wheat field behind the settlement. As they gradually calmed their anger, a lengthy and intense debate began.

Every dog tried to come up with a solution for the problem, but it wasn't easy. It was getting dark when they finally weighed all of the pros and cons and came to a mutual conclusion and clear decision.

“Let’s ask the god Tláloc’s help! His heart is very noble," the eldest and the most experienced dog suggested.

And so they composed a letter asking for help. The eldest of them signed it on behalf of all of the dogs and prepared it so that it could be delivered to the god. Immediately, they started voting on who would actually take this important document to Tláloc.

Eventually, they chose a midnight-black…

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