Greek Fable

Fairy tales and stories from Greek Fable.




Don’t overestimate your abilities. When young Phaethon goes to see his father, the sun god, he persuades him to lend him his solar chariot. How does Phaethon’s ride end?




This fable teaches us that even in the past people could tell the difference between good and evil intentions. Although the story is typical of the time in which the fable originated, the main theme is still relevant today. Pelops longs for the beautiful Hippodamea and decides to fight for her heart. But her father will give his daughter as a bride only to one who can defeat him in a four-carriage race. However, the loser must pay with his life.

Deucalion and Pyrrha

Deucalion and Pyrrha


Being cruel to others can come back to bite us. Seeing the immense cruelty of humanity, Zeus decides to send a huge flood to the ground to punish the people for their anger. Only Deucalion and Pyrrha will survive.

Daedalus and Icarus

Daedalus and Icarus


It’s always worth listening to good pieces of advice from those more experienced than us. When Daedalus and his son Icarus try to leave the island where they live in exile, Icarus tragically dies. He doesn’t care to listen to the wise advice of his father, and his curiosity kills him.

Orpheus and Eurydice

Orpheus and Eurydice


In this story, you and your children can explore one of the best-known Greek myths. You’ll read about the lovers Orpheus and Eurydice, about Orpheus’s journey to the underworld and about the incredible things that love makes possible. You’ll also find out more about the role of the storyteller or writer and about how stories are invented and how they can change.

Myth of the Minotaur

Myth of the Minotaur


This well-known Greek legend takes us into the lives of the kings and queens, as they intermingle with gods and magic in these ancient times. Eventually the story brings us, along with Theseus, into a huge, complex labyrinth in the middle of which lurks a fierce creature called the Minotaur. In order to save human lives, Theseus must slay the Minotaur. But can the hero survive this challenge, and will he ever find his way out of the maze?

Pandora’s Box

Pandora’s Box


Who is Pandora and what is hidden in the magic box she was given by Zeus? Here we venture to the ancient world, at a time when the Greek gods roamed among the humans and generally had the upper hand. This tale has us pondering over the meaning of good and bad, happy and sad, and all of the many facets of everyday existence. It teaches us that the positive and negative are utterly connected, and helps us see that life is fascinating.

King Midas and the Golden Touch

King Midas and the Golden Touch


In this traditional Greek story about King Midas, you will learn why we need to think carefully about what we wish for. Sometimes even when we have the best intentions, our decisions can bring disaster – as King Midas discovered, when he wished for everything he touched to turn to gold. Fortunately, it all turned out well in the end!

King Midas and the Donkey Ears

King Midas and the Donkey Ears


Let’s take a trip to Ancient Greece, back into that mythical time when gods roamed the earth. One day, King Midas gets mixed up in a godly contest and is rewarded for his impudence with a pair of donkey’s ears. He is ashamed, and tries to hide them. But how can he live with his secret? And will anyone find out?

Hades and Persephone

Hades and Persephone


Could it be that a kidnapped daughter and her mother are the cause of the changing seasons? According to Greek mythology, Persephone was abducted into the realm of the dead by Hades, the god of the underworld. Due to the enormous grief felt by her mother, the crops dried up and winter came to the Earth for the first time. To prevent an eternal winter, a certain deal had to be struck with Hades …