Charlie and the Dark

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In this story, the dark is actually afraid of the light. It’s up to young Charlie to reassure the dark that it has nothing to worry about. He achieves this by showing the dark that it has a magic of its own and that the light cannot hurt it. The dark could then relax, which made them both happy.
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Charlie and the Dark
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Charlie had always wondered where the dark went when his bedroom light was switched on.

So he decided to investigate. One evening, after his bath, he grabbed his towel, wrapped it around himself, then quickly ran into his bedroom and slid under the bed. He soon heard his mum’s footsteps on the landing, and, click, the light came on.

Unfortunately, the Dark didn’t rush under the bed to join him.

The next night he bounded onto his bed and pulled the duvet over his head. Holding his breath with excitement, he felt something brush against his toes as the light went on… but it was just Tyranna, his fluffy green dinosaur.

The following night he tried the inside of his wardrobe, but it was quite dark in there already, and Charlie doubted that any more dark would fit. But as he scrunched under the hanging clothes, he breathed-in to make some extra space, just in case.



With a sigh, he clambered out of the wardrobe and wiggled his feet into his slippers.

“Ow!!” squealed a little voice from somewhere nearby, causing Charlie to jump and fall back into the wardrobe.

“Owwww!” Charlie said, rubbing his head. “Who’s that??”

“Please, shhhhh,” came the response. “If you make too much noise it’ll find us!”

Charlie looked around but he couldn’t see anything. “What do you mean it’ll find us? What will find us?”

“The light,” replied the tiny voice, with a noticeable quiver. “It’s really big and it chases me!”

“Are you the Dark?!” Charlie asked excitedly, peering into one of his slippers. The Dark whimpered in response.

Trying to reassure the Dark, he said: “Please don’t be scared. Can you cuddle? You can borrow Tyranna-the-dinosaur if that’d make you…

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