Discovering the Emotions: Fear

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Martin continues his search for these things called feelings. Where do emotions actually live and what do they look like? While last time he came across Anger, he is now going to visit another of his neighbours, and in the process he encounters Fear.
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Discovering the Emotions: Fear
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After lunch, I said cheerio to my mum and ran out to go and play in the playground for a little while. I took the stairs because I definitely didn’t want to bump into Mr Evans in the lift and have to face another one of his rages.

I took my keys, which I wear on a lanyard around my neck — one for the main gate, one for the stairwell, and one for our front door. Three keys, like something a prince has to find in a fairy tale.

I think of our apartment as an impenetrable castle where I can safely hide. When I’m in my cosy bedroom, I’m not afraid of anyone or anything. Well, okay, sometimes I get a little bit scared when it’s dark, because my bedside lamp makes weird shadows that look like they’re moving and I feel like they’re reaching out to grab me. They even have eyes and big teeth! But then when mum or dad comes in, the shadows run away.

Our teacher told us that if we get scared at night, we should imagine something nice that can protect us. I always imagine a dog lying next to me and guarding me while I sleep.

My classmate Pete is really scared of thunderstorms. Even during the day. When it thunders in the middle of the night, he hides under his bed, but at school he doesn’t have a bed to hide under, so he crawls under his desk. Some of the boys and girls laugh at him for it, but our teacher told us everyone gets scared sometimes. “Even me,” she said. “And even Mr Lawrence.” That’s the head teacher.

I don’t think that last bit is really true, because Mr Lawrence is very big…

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