African Tale
Crocodile Skin
The African folk tale reveals why crocodiles have such a rough and scaly skin. It wasn’t always like this though. The story teaches that much pride can be harmful.
Once, there was a great
If he wanted a fast snack, all he had to do was swoop down to the water and catch a little fish or a frog or a mollusk. He lived happily for a long time, but as time passed he began to get older, and soon he found he was too old to dive into the lake for a snack.
He was very hungry all of the time
He was starving, so he thought long and hard, and came up with a great plan.
First, he found a perfect spot on the lake shore where he would be visible from all sides. Then he sat down and began to moan as loudly and sorrowfully as he
Soon enough, a tiny crayfish came to see what all the noise was
“Excuse me, sir. What happened? Why are you crying so loudly?”
The heron was prepared…