Indian Tale

Fairy tales and stories from Indian Tale.

The Clever Rabbit and the Hungry Lion

The Clever Rabbit and the Hungry Lion


We can beat even a much stronger enemy with our brain. The little hare finds out it has been chosen by other animals as food for the lion. It decides to save its skin with the help of its wits and its knowledge of nature.

The Search For the Most Powerful Being

The Search For the Most Powerful Being


The greatest riches are closer to us than it might seem, we just have to be attentive enough. When the parents of a beautiful daughter decide to look for the best possible groom for her, the men of the village seem too ordinary to them. But they are in for a big surprise.

The Blue Jackal

The Blue Jackal


A jackal jumps into a bucket of blue paint. The other animals come to fear him because they have never seen a blue creature before. When the jackal realises that everyone is afraid of him, he declares himself King. Eventually, the self-proclaimed king finds out that a lie only goes so far.

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Aladdin and the Magic Lamp


Never lose your faith, even in hard times. Good will always win in the end. A world famous classic tale about a naïve boy named Aladdin. An evil wizard uses him to obtain a magic lamp. When he gets trapped in the tomb, the powerful genie who lives in the lamp helps him.

The Monkey and the Wedge

The Monkey and the Wedge


This story teaches us that we shouldn’t poke our noses into other people’s business. When nosy monkeys come to see the construction of a new wooden temple, one of them gets into big trouble due to its carelessness. How does it turn out?

The Cunning Heron and the Crayfish

The Cunning Heron and the Crayfish


This story is rather old but the lesson not to trust promises that seem too sweet is still valid. When the old heron can no longer hunt on its own, it comes up with a plan to get food with no effort. Many naïve pond residents pay for it with their lives. Only the careful crayfish uncovers the heron’s true intentions and saves its own life.

The Crows and the Cobra

The Crows and the Cobra


Even if it seems impossible, our wits can help us overcome the most difficult obstacles. The story teaches us that even the most powerful enemy can be defeated - one has to just think a bit. When a dangerous cobra moves in near the crow’s nest, they start to fear for their lives. They eventually learn how to get rid of the cobra from the wise old jackal.

The Monkey and the Drum

The Monkey and the Drum


When a clumsy monkey gets a thorn in its tail, it has no choice but to rely on human help. However, it very quickly abuses this help and shows its greed. In this way the monkey gets a lot of things from people in exchange.

The Snake and the Gold Coins

The Snake and the Gold Coins


This fairy tale, originally from India, tells the story of a reverent farmer who treats a snake living on his land with respect. He gets an unexpected reward for this, but his greedy son wants to abuse the good will of the magical serpent. He (naturally) is punished for this.

The Evil Sons

The Evil Sons


This Indian story is about an old man who, at the end of his life, carefully divides all his property between three sons. Sadly for him, he receives no gratitude from them at all in return. Annoyed, the old man eventually comes up with a way to give his ungrateful sons the lesson they truly deserve.

The Poor Farmer and the Rich Miser

The Poor Farmer and the Rich Miser


In this Indian story, we learn the fate of a poor farmer living in poverty and having almost nothing. He has to give everything to his neighbour, a money-lender. When he is given a rare magic horn that will fulfill his every wish, the greedy rich man finds out. Of course the neighbour wants to take advantage of the horn's power immediately. The farmer comes up with an idea, thanks to which he gets rid of the rich man's greed once and for all.