The Search For the Most Powerful Being

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The greatest riches are closer to us than it might seem, we just have to be attentive enough.

When the parents of a beautiful daughter decide to look for the best possible groom for her, the men of the village seem too ordinary to them. But they are in for a big surprise.
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The Search For the Most Powerful Being
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Once upon a time, there was a small village in the heart of a forest. The tribesmen from this village were simple people who made their living with their craftsmanship.

They forged iron and hunted wild game. The most difficult were the warthogs, who would charge so fast a hunter barely had time to lift his spear. But for the warthog boars, theirs was a peaceful village.

Among these people lived a small girl who didn’t look anything like the rest of the little children in the village. She was so unimaginably beautiful that she looked almost divine. Her parents were very proud of their little daughter and they would very often boast about her.

“Look at her hazel eyes, aren’t they amazing?” they’d say. Or “What about her smile, doesn’t it just dazzle? It’s a pity we’re so much more fortunate than the rest of you.” The other villagers just smiled and disregarded their vanity.

Years later, when she had grown into a breathtaking young woman, her parents started talking about marriage. They didn’t want to marry their daughter to just any man from the village. Oh no, not their angel. Their girl deserved to marry the most powerful being in the world.

For many days they kept thinking hard and discussing it, trying to figure out just who would be a fitting suitor for their daughter. They questioned themselves about all of the great people who roamed the world and which one would be a good fit? They came up with a list, crossing them off as they were found wanting. Not good enough for their girl!

Eventually, they both agreed that the most powerful being in the entire world was the god of the sun. Certainly, he would make the best husband for their daughter,…

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