The Dragon Who Had Lost His Spark

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Two rather unlikely friends meet in a cave in the woods – Jack, who doesn’t like baking bread, and a dragon who can’t breathe fire. Their friendship leads them to start something neither of them would ever have dreamed of. They each learn to use the skills they have to be helpful to those around them.
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The Dragon Who Had Lost His Spark
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Once upon a time, in a little village in the country, there lived a renowned baker. He knew how to bake the best rolls, the best loaves of bread, and the best pies for miles around and he was deservedly very proud of it. The baker had a son, whose name was Jack. But he was not at all proud of Jack, because although he was a strapping young man and clever enough, he didn’t like baking bread!

When Jack was waiting for the bread rolls to bake, he got very bored. He gazed into the oven, yawned, and sighed dramatically. His father couldn’t bear so much as to look at him.

“What am I to do with you?” he said. “I’ve taught you everything, and given you all the best recipes, and you just sit here yawning. Don’t you realise the bakery will one day be yours?”

Jack plucked up all the courage he could muster and replied: “I know that, father, and I’m grateful for all you have taught me. But I’m bored. I’ve never been outside the village, I have seen nothing, the only thing I know about is this oven. And I’m fed up with it. I want to see the world! I want to learn more than just how to knead dough!”

The old baker nodded his head sadly: “What am I to do with you?” he said with a sigh. “Go, then. If you return, the bakery will be waiting for you. If you don’t, so be it. I’d rather have no helper at all than one as bored as you are.”

And so Jack packed a few necessities and a bundle of butter croissants, and set out on his journey. He went on foot and followed his nose.…

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