Stories for 5+ years old

These stories should be understandable for five years olds. However, we believe they can be fun at any age above that as well. The age requirements are based on vocabulary, topics, and overall story length.

Dinosaur Adventures Part 5: Pterosaur

Dinosaur Adventures Part 5: Pterosaur


In the final part of this dinosaur series, Meg introduces Alex, Tinka, and their parents to a majestic dinosaur — the Pterosaur. This one has an extraordinary wingspan and can fly far and wide. Hopping on its back, off they go on a flight over prehistoric Europe… How will their journey turn out?




Don’t overestimate your abilities. When young Phaethon goes to see his father, the sun god, he persuades him to lend him his solar chariot. How does Phaethon’s ride end?

The Rat Boy

The Rat Boy


This is a story about a boy named Timmy, who treats everyone nastily and rudely. However, he eventually crosses the path of an elf who punishes him for his bad behavior with a magical transformation - such that neither Timmy nor his own mother recognise him.

Mount Trap

Mount Trap


This is a story of the cursed Mount Trap, which for years has lured people inside with the promise of enormous wealth, only to trap them forever deep inside. However, everything changes when a modest traveller appears there. He seeks not wealth, but a different thing entirely.

The Heart that Wanted to Jump for Joy

The Heart that Wanted to Jump for Joy


Sincere friendship is important at any age. An old man, who lives alone, finds that he doesn’t enjoy anything anymore. Even playing his favourite guitar. But in the end, someone fatefully appears in his life who cheers his heart up again. Although he resists at the beginning, we learn that no one truly wants to be alone.

The Little Birdie

The Little Birdie


Envy can separate even the best of friends. The story is about two neighbors who always help each other, until envy separates them. When a beautifully singing bird nestles on an apple tree that has grown in one of their gardens, the other neighbor begins to envy him, and they start quarreling




“Don’t be so childish!” Vivi’s classmates push her away when she wants them to play a new game she invented. Unfortunately, in the age of mobile phones and tablets, there is somehow no room for your own imagination or classic children's games. However, thanks to a happy coincidence, Vivi found a friend. Not only the one she dreamed of, but a true one. We easily buy many things for money, but real values cannot be bought.

Cristiano’s First Tears of Joy

Cristiano’s First Tears of Joy


Cristiano is a little boy who has just joined his first football club. But his teammates aren’t very welcoming and he becomes upset. He only has one friend he can talk to about his feelings and he discovers it’s okay to cry sometimes. The encouragement pushes him to become a better player. The story contains true facts from the life of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano and a Mysterious Voice

Cristiano and a Mysterious Voice


Cristiano is a poor little boy, but he has a dream: he wants to be the best football player ever. He practices as much as he can, with whatever he can. He even makes his own ball! Then one day, he hears a mysterious voice coaching him… Read the first story about Cristiano for free. It contains true facts from the life of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Cristiano and a Lesson on Humility

Cristiano and a Lesson on Humility


Cristiano is determined to become the best football player in the world and he tirelessly trains to achieve his goal. He finds school boring, so he tries to avoid it as best he can. His playing skills are constantly improving, but with dexterity, his pride starts to rise. What will his friend Voz have to say about it? The story contains true facts from the life of Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Adventure of the Bicycle’s Great-Grandfather

The Adventure of the Bicycle’s Great-Grandfather


When the most modern bicycle meets its old-fashioned colleague in a museum, hostility immediately sparks between them. How can a bicycle that is more than a century old be compared to the new one? But then they meet someone who opens their eyes and shows that there are more important things in life beyond just racing and comparison.

The Angry Bus

The Angry Bus


An old bus and its trusty driver have been driving their route together for many years. Every morning, they help to get all the impatient, in-a-hurry people to work. They’d been through a lot together and nothing could easily ruffle their feathers. But one day, something awful happened and it crossed just about every line and the bus reacted. What did he do?

Cristiano's Life Decision

Cristiano's Life Decision


Young Cristiano’s life revolves around football. He works really hard so he can become the best player of all time. But what happens when he has to face a decision that may stop his career for good? He also finds out that life sometimes brings us surprises that we can’t change in any way. This story was written by Mel Candea. It contains true facts from the life of Cristiano Ronaldo.

Khabar and the Scorpion

Khabar and the Scorpion


This story will take you to the hot Sahara Desert, and you’ll meet an experienced merchant travelling its sands. On the back of his dromedary, he carries a precious cargo that saves people’s lives. But what if our merchant were to succumb to greed?

Baba Yaga Next Door

Baba Yaga Next Door


Andy spends all day, every day, reading. He likes tales of mystery and magic. In fact, he has been so engrossed in his book that he hasn’t noticed one of his neighbours is actually a witch…

A Mystery in Ronnie’s Room

A Mystery in Ronnie’s Room


Ronnie is very forgetful. So it’s no surprise that when she is given some pot plants, it totally slips her mind that she needs to water them. Until, that is, strange things start happening in her bedroom…

The Ballerina

The Ballerina


Adel fell in love with ballet and longed for getting the role of Sleeping Beauty in an upcoming ballet performance. For that, she would have to do a flawless pirouette, but unfortunately, Adel couldn’t do it at all. However, that is when an unexpected helper appears...

The Monster

The Monster


When a family with children and their friends goes to a cottage, it seems that they are in for a fun trip. In the early evening, children have fun playing a game of monsters. But when night falls, mysterious sounds indicate that a real monster is hiding in the cottage in the middle of the forest...