Stories for 5+ years old

These stories should be understandable for five years olds. However, we believe they can be fun at any age above that as well. The age requirements are based on vocabulary, topics, and overall story length.

How Li-li Celebrated the Spring Festival

How Li-li Celebrated the Spring Festival


It’s nearly time for the Lunar New Year celebrations, also known as the Spring Festival. For many people in the world, including the little girl in this story, these are the most important celebrations of the year. But it looks like Li-li isn’t going to be spending the Spring Festival with her wonderful grandparents this year. Li-li is sad about that, but an unexpected encounter with a magical creature changes everything… Read the story to find out more about Li-li’s adventure and about Lunar New Year traditions.

Beatrix and her Rabbit

Beatrix and her Rabbit


Young Beatrix enjoys painting animals and making-up stories. But once she becomes older, her parents have a different idea for her future – they want her to get married and become a housewife. Let’s see whether Beatrix decides to follow her dream, or if she caves in and obeys the wishes of her parents…

A Visitor from Outer Space

A Visitor from Outer Space


Pete is looking forward to a day of doing nothing except lazing around. But everything changes when an unexpected visitor lands on his windowsill, straight from the other side of the universe! Pete decides to give his visitor a good impression of life on Earth. What will result from this adventure?

The Dragon Who Had Lost His Spark

The Dragon Who Had Lost His Spark


Two rather unlikely friends meet in a cave in the woods – Jack, who doesn’t like baking bread, and a dragon who can’t breathe fire. Their friendship leads them to start something neither of them would ever have dreamed of. They each learn to use the skills they have to be helpful to those around them.

Bunty Buckwheat and the Decorations

Bunty Buckwheat and the Decorations


In this fun and informative story about the ancient grain called buckwheat, Bunty Buckwheat teaches children about the many different forms it can take and the various types of dishes it can be used in.

Seed Town

Seed Town


Seed Town is a place where the inhabitants desire nothing more than to nestle into the ground and grow up. But they cannot achieve this on their own. When a schoolgirl called Anna visits Seed Town, she makes friends with the little seeds and eventually figures out a way to help them. Can she manage to achieve it? This story imparts a thing or two about plants and Nature.

Abi and the Pudding

Abi and the Pudding


Abi loves food – so much that some of the boys at her school make fun of her for it. Luckily, Abi’s mum gives her some good advice and as she finds out more about healthy eating, Abi also develops a totally new and rather useful hobby. Find out how successful Abi is at turning the boys’ mockery to her advantage in this story.

Annie and Micky Become Acrobats!

Annie and Micky Become Acrobats!


Annie and Micky are quite different from one another. In fact, they have only one thing in common — neither of them fits in with the other children in the class, and their classmates make fun of both of them. However, when someone else enters the scene, Annie’s and Micky’s eyes are opened, and their special abilities are soon revealed.

Mio and the Astronomical Clock

Mio and the Astronomical Clock


Mio and his classmates are off on a school trip to a historic palace where there is a very special clock. But that isn't the only fascinating thing they find – they also enjoy listening to all the different languages the other visitors are speaking. Why don't you join them and find out which languages they hear!

The Elves That Came From a Tree

The Elves That Came From a Tree


Do you know what might be found inside a nutshell? Old Mr Gardiner certainly wasn’t expecting little elves to hatch out of the tree nuts in his garden. They’re well-meaning and want to help him, but they turn out to be more trouble than they’re worth. Read the story to find out how this unusual tale ends!

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 1

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 1


Meet a new hero – Dino Maximiliano the Bicyclosaurus, aka Max. This small, fidgety dinosaur is the best friend of a boy named Micah. The dinosaur’s dream is to one day have his very own bicycle. Being a clever, creative person, Micah decides to design a bicycle for Max and arrange to have it built. See how the plan gets underway in the first part of this episodic story.

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 2

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 2


In this second part of the Dino Maximiliano story, Max’s dream of a new bike starts to become reality. Together with the little dinosaur and his inventor-friend Micah, you will learn what it takes to construct a bicycle, while also finding out that cycling isn’t actually that simple.

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 3

Dino Maximiliano the Dinosaur – Part 3


In the third and final part of the story about bicyclosaurus Dino Maximiliano, the dream of an orange bicycle finally becomes reality. What’s more, this is not any ordinary bike, it’s a ‘growing bike’! Explore the joys of cycling and join Max on his biking adventures!

Too Many Things!

Too Many Things!


Polly seems to have all the toys in the world. Her room is packed to the brim with them. But is that actually a good thing? Polly gradually learns that having a huge amount of stuff is not too healthy.

Bumblebee Vroom at School

Bumblebee Vroom at School


Take a peek inside this school for insects and pollinators, and follow the exploits of a restless bumblebee called Vroom. In addition to finding out what goes on in a bee classroom, you’ll also see how Vroom deals with restlessness, lack of focus, and excessive energy.

Mio’s Classical Music Lesson

Mio’s Classical Music Lesson


Come and listen to some classical music together with the Year 2 pupils. Under the guidance of their clever teacher, you can discover the many ways in which music expresses itself, and how it affects us. And of course, you’ll be able to enjoy the cheerful company of Mio, the most good-natured elephant ever!

The Pearl Diver

The Pearl Diver


This story will transport you to Portugal, where you will encounter an unusually successful pearl diver. But diving to collect pearls from the seabed is no easy task! Come with Tiago, the story’s hero, and find out what you have to do if you want to be really good at something.

Microbe Patrick’s Letter to Kids Everywhere

Microbe Patrick’s Letter to Kids Everywhere


Patrick knows humans very well — but he is neither human nor animal. He’s a tiny microbe that lives inside a human body. But don't worry, he doesn’t harm the person, quite the opposite. He helps them to keep their body healthy. What worries him most, though, is that many children don’t know how to take care of their tummies, and they therefore feel unwell a lot of the time. So in order to enlighten children about this delicate matter, he wrote a letter in the form of a story. Read it together!