Simon and the Music Open Day

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Immerse yourself in Simon’s trip to a music open day with his parents, where he learns about all sorts of musical instruments. Which one will he choose to learn? Find out in the story.
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Simon and the Music Open Day
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Simon had loved music ever since he was a baby. Before he could walk or talk, he would always turn to watch whenever he heard someone singing or playing music. And as soon as he learned to crawl, his favourite toys were the ones that made sounds. His grandparents gave him several toys that played tunes when you pressed different buttons. But little Simon didn’t only like those, he also liked making music out of other things around him – clinking a spoon against a flowerpot or tapping on kitchen pots and pans. More than once his mother searched high and low for her biggest saucepan because Simon had taken it for his makeshift drum set.

It's true that things got a bit noisy at home sometimes because of the pot-drums. But Simon’s parents were happy that their son was developing a relationship with music. When they could, they took him to watch children's musical performances or short concerts. And at home, in the evenings, they taught Simon to sing simple songs. It was obvious that their little boy was enjoying all the music immensely.

When it was almost time for Simon to start school, his parents had a surprise for him. They took him to a music open day. Do you have any idea what that is? It is a special afternoon when all the local music teachers come to school to show and tell children and their parents what it’s like to learn all their different instruments.

As soon as Simon heard about the music, he was beside himself with excitement.

"Can I play an instrument too?" he asked eagerly, gazing at the piano in the school hall.

"Soon," Daddy replied. "But first, you need to see all the different musical…

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