Rocketman Saves the Flowers

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There is a conflict on Earth that arised because of flowers. Flowers make people with allergies sneeze and wheeze and so they decide to ban them all. That gets the whole world into real trouble. There is only one person who can help them – rocketman!

This story was written for you by Mel Candea.
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Rocketman Saves the Flowers
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It all started with a sneeze. Or rather, with sneezes and sneezes and wheezes and watery eyes. It was allergy season, you see, and people with allergies weren't very happy at all.

“It's the flowers, I tell you!” coughed one.

“My neighbour has this huge and horrible wildflower garden. I just can't stop - achoo! - sneezing in the spring and summer!” said another with red eyes streaming.

“Oh, now, that's nothing!” sniffed a third. “You should try living next to a sunflower field!” He blew his nose loudly.

But those three weren't the only ones getting angry about flowers. There were miserable people all over the world with allergies. And many blamed flowers for their problems. They began meeting and complaining and soon they even had small protests outside of florists and public gardens.

“Away with the flowers!” they called out, again and again.

Meanwhile, on a distant hilltop in a huge and ornate orange building, you could hear music echoing down the valley. Sir Elton, Ambassador to the Planets and rocketman, was waking up to his favourite song.

He stretched and yawned loudly before putting on his dazzling red ruby slippers and grabbing his favourite robe. The robe was a vivid green, embroidered with stars and planets he’d visited. He threw open his windows.

“Good morning, morning!” he sang to the early birds and buzzing bees. They were busy collecting pollen from his vast flower garden, filled with magnolias, snowdrops, snapdragons and so many more! He really, truly, madly and deeply loved his flowers!

Then, a woman stepped in. She was tiny, with bright red hair in a beehive hairdo.

“Good morning, Sir Elton,“ she said, handing him the newspaper. “Sir, we got some news that there seems to be some…

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