A Little Night Meeting with Mozart

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Matthew is learning to play the piano, but he’s annoyed that his playing is not going as well as he had hoped. However, everything changes when one night he meets the piano genius himself — Mozart. He learns more about Mozart’s life and discovers that even this famous composer and musician was just a person of flesh and blood who experienced ups and downs, just like himself.
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A Little Night Meeting with Mozart
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There were faint piano sounds coming from a window in the music school. But then the music stopped abruptly.

“I’m so done with this!” Matthew moaned, as he threw the Mozart sheet music onto the floor and leapt off the piano bench. He couldn’t stand the sight of the stern-looking composer one second longer.

The teacher didn’t react to this outburst. He knew Matthew enjoyed playing the piano and that he always got annoyed when he didn’t get things right the first time. He reached over and handed him a plate of sweets.

“Here, have a taste. Let’s take a break for a bit.”

Matthew unwrapped one of the bonbons and bit into it. “This is amazing! What is it? Chocolate? And marzipan?”

“Pistachio, marzipan, and nougat, covered in dark chocolate, to be precise. Not bad, right? They’re called Mozart balls,” said the teacher, smiling. “Let’s stop for today – your fingers and your mind both need some rest. Do you want to take one ‘for the road’?” he said, offering Matthew another praline.

Matthew thanked him and ran outside to enjoy the last hour of that glorious sunny afternoon.

He got home just before dinner. He put the praline next to the picture of Mozart on the desk in his room, and forgot all about it. Only when he was about to go to bed did he notice it again. “Good night, Mr Mozart,” he said, bowing jokingly, and then he tucked himself into bed and fell fast asleep.

Matthew had no idea what time it was when he heard delicate piano sounds echoing throughout his room. On the other side of the window, the night was as black as coal, and there was no light visible through the crack under the door…

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