Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves

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Why do some trees lose their leaves in autumn and others do not? Find out in this warm winter fairy tale. Meet the cruel north wind and some helpful trees who take in a little robin with the broken wing. They receive an unexpected reward for their kindness!

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Why the Evergreen Trees Never Lose Their Leaves
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The sky was covered with grey clouds and an icy wind was blowing. All the animals were hiding away in their shelters to keep warm. Winter would soon be here.

All the migratory birds had already flown far away to the south to wait in warmer places until the spring. There was only one little robin left. She had a broken wing and couldn’t fly. What was she going to do?

Little Robin looked around anxiously. Surely there must be somewhere she could get to and warm herself up? The wind howled again and she shivered with cold.

In the distance, Robin could see the edge of the forest and its big, bushy treetops.

Those trees will surely keep me cosy even in the depths of winter, she thought. So she slowly made her way to them, hopping and flapping her one good wing.

The first tree she came to was a slender silver birch.

"Sister Birch," asked Robin, "please may I live in your crown until spring comes? My wing is broken and I'm so cold!"

Birch shuddered with disdain. "I have to take care of my own branches and future buds over the winter, not birds. I can’t help you, try somewhere else."

So the poor robin hopped on to the next tree. This one was even bigger and stronger - it was a massive old oak.

"Brother Oak," Robin asked respectfully, "would you give me shelter in your crown until spring?"

"Until spring?!" the proud oak exclaimed, looking down indignantly. "By then you would get hungry and eat my acorns. No, no, try somewhere else."

So Robin sighed and hopped on until she reached a willow tree on the bank of a stream.

"Dear Willow, please could…

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