Monika Cavojova
The Fidgety Thoughts
This bedtime story explores what it’s like inside a child’s mind in the evening, where fidgety thoughts find it difficult to settle down and get ready to sleep.
Evening has come and it’s time to go
Come here under the duvet and tuck yourself in snugly. Close your eyes and listen to those quiet, peaceful sounds coming from afar.
If you listen carefully, in addition to the noises coming from outside, you can also hear the gentle flapping
It is flapping its red and black wings and almost seems to be giggling softly
It tickles your feet, sits on your toe and flies off again with a barely heard
The moth is playful, but it's tame as well. Just lie still in your bed so that it doesn't get scared, and watch it sit on your blanket with curiosity. Now you can look at it
Its whole body is covered with fine hairs. It is fluffy, almost like a fuzzy, plush
You can also see its long