The Prince of Football

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Adam has managed to lose all of his potential friends because of his unreasonable temper, snobbishness, and unwillingness to share. He really acts like a spoiled little princeling. But thanks to a newcomer in the neighbourhood and a love of football, he finally discovers the benefit of calming himself down and gradually learns how to make friends.
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The Prince of Football
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You know the fairy tale about the proud princess, right?... But have you heard the story about the proud prince?

Actually, it isn’t really about a prince, it’s about an ordinary boy called Adam, whose surname was Prince. He lived in a house on the outskirts of a big city, and he had everything he could dream of — just like a real prince.

His parents were very successful in their careers. The dad was a lawyer and spent every day at work, from morning until evening. The mum managed a company that sold sporting equipment. Which meant that Adam had sports gear of all kinds at home: footballs, tennis racquets, even a kayak. And each year he received the latest bicycle. He had so much stuff that he could hardly use it all.

But that didn’t stop him from behaving like a cocky little princeling. Whenever he saw new football boots or roller skates on TV, he had to have them. His parents didn’t hesitate to buy these things for him immediately, just to prevent him getting angry.

But there was something that Adam did not have. Guess what it was? Well, it was friends. No one wanted to spend time with him. Adam was not only spoiled, he was also quick-tempered and sometimes behaved really badly.

Once, for example, they were at the football pitch and after the match his mother told him in front of his friends that she wouldn’t buy him an ice-cream. In response, Adam screamed while running across the entire park, down the hill, and all the way to the ice cream shop. He stomped and yelled until she bought him a cone.

And so it’s no wonder that with every tantrum and every toy that he didn’t…

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