The Three Slackers

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These three brothers, who by now were grown men, only knew how to be lazy and idle. They avoided any notion of work, yet they longed for wealth and happiness. In order to survive in the easiest possible way, they decided to look for a treasure chest. But can such slackers manage to find one? And if so, will it be filled with the treasures they were expecting?
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The Three Slackers
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Once upon a time, there were three brothers who were lazy beyond all measure and refused to do any work. All day long they would wander aimlessly or sit in front of the fireplace, just to avoid working. In short, they were lazy as heck.

But as the saying goes, you have to sing for your supper! And because the brothers didn’t do any work, they didn’t earn a living, and therefore had almost nothing to fill their bellies with.

“If only we could find a treasure chest,” mused the first of the brothers, “we’d never have to worry about having empty bellies again.”

“But where can we find such a thing?” asked the second.

“Well, if we do find one, I certainly don’t look forward to digging it up!” sighed the last brother. Still, none of them had a clue about how to go about searching for buried treasure.

While they were strolling through the countryside later that day, chance led them to a place beyond the village, right at the edge of the forest. There, in that remote spot, lived an old woman. She was rumoured to be a witch.

They called at her door. “Auntie,” the eldest brother said, “we’ve heard that you know things other people don’t know. Be so good as to tell us where we can find a big treasure chest. We need it very much.”

The old woman grimaced and said: “Many things are whispered to me by the wind and the trees, but I have no idea where to find a treasure chest. If I knew that, I would find it myself!”

The brothers were disappointed.

“But I can give you some good advice,” added the woman. “When the full moon comes, go barefoot and with an…

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