Folk stories

Storytelling is the cornerstone of civilization. Thanks to stories, humans have preserved and passed on intellectual achievements and moral values for millennia. Let’s celebrate the diversity of humankind by reading those stories to our kids.

The Surly Snail and the Radiant Rosebush

The Surly Snail and the Radiant Rosebush


A story by a world-famous storyteller about the meaning of life, which aptly points out various character traits. When the snail begins talking to the garden rose, he seems fully determined to move forward. And he can’t help criticizing the rose for its inaction. However, his plan of moving forward ends in nothing but empty words.

King Thrushbeard

King Thrushbeard


This folk tale teaches that being arrogant does not pay off. True wealth and beauty come from our modesty, sincerity, and kindness.

The Three Golden Hairs

The Three Golden Hairs


A famous story about a kind-hearted lad, a cruel king, and wise Grandfather Knowall. A boy who has been raised by a fisherman and his wife almost since birth must one day embark on a long and dangerous journey. To win the heart of the princess, he has to fulfill the king’s task and get three golden hairs from the wise Grandfather Knowall.

Shake, My Satchel!

Shake, My Satchel!


Greed never pays off. The wind blows all the seed the poor farmer planted so that he loses crops. So the farmer decides to find the wind and ask for his seeds back. However, the wind gives him an unusual gift.

John the Simpleton

John the Simpleton


A story from a collection of fairy tales compiled by the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. Once upon a time there were three brothers. Two were educated and wise, but the third was called John the simpleton, because he didn't get much sense. All three decide to win the heart of the princess. She promises to marry the lad who entertains her best.

The Lawyer from the Village

The Lawyer from the Village


It’s always worth fighting for justice. Once a craftsman accidentally forgets to pay his debt to an innkeeper, who in turn charges him an unfairly high late fee. Eventually an old man helps him out at the court.

The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen


A fairytale by Hans Cristian Andersen about the fight between good and evil. The pieces from the devil's mirror, which turn a person into a heartless being, hit a boy named Kai. One day he disappears and ends up in the Ice Palace of the Snow Queen. His brave friend Gerda sets out to look for him. A long and dangerous journey awaits her.

Dividing of the Goose

Dividing of the Goose


A folk tale of how wits and justice win over greed. The ingenuity and wits of a poor peasant amuse the senses of a rich and fair earl. The farmer smartly deals with a problem given, and solves the issue of the division of the geese. The earl rewards him handsomely for his efforts.

The Prince and the Frog

The Prince and the Frog


This old folk tale proves that people’s imagination has no limits. The story is about a king who can’t decide which of his two sons ought to inherit the kingdom. He gives them three tasks. The one who deals best with them, will get the throne.

The Three Feathers

The Three Feathers


A story from a collection of fairy tales compiled by the Brothers Grimm. An old king decides to give his kingdom to one of his three sons. To choose the most suitable heir, he gives them three tasks.

The Three Sillies

The Three Sillies


This funny story is about human silliness. A traveller, who is busy roaming the world, meets many simple minded people. After visiting a farm, he is sure he can’t possibly see anything more silly. However, his next adventures prove him wrong.

The Fairy

The Fairy


A classic story showing that modesty, decency and humility always pay off. When a girl helps a fairy dressed up as an old woman, she repays her generously. But the evil stepmother wants only the best also for her own daughter. So she sends her to the edge of the forest to wait for the old woman, help her, and receive a reward. But helping others merely for selfish reasons may not pay off in the end...

Elbow Beard

Elbow Beard


A classic story of how good wins over evil. An evil stepmother, who spoils her own daughter, throws her loving and hard-working stepdaughter out of the house. When Elbow Beard, a little old man with a largely long beard, appears, the stepmother and his daughter soon pay for their greed.

Old Bucky and the Wolf

Old Bucky and the Wolf


This story (adapted from Pavol Dobšinský’s collection) about a brave dog tells us that wisdom can win over strength and that honesty and loyalty always pay off.

Broad, Long and Sharpsight

Broad, Long and Sharpsight


When we join forces, we can overcome difficult obstacles. An adventurous story about how a young man chooses to win the heart of a princess. Three brave helpers, who he meets on the way to the castle, help him to overcome the obstacles and difficult tasks that stand in his way.

Jack the Pea Boy

Jack the Pea Boy


Those who are smart will overcome any difficulties. Pavol Dobšinský’s story tells us about a boy who is small as a pea but also incredibly strong.

The Donkey, the Table and the Stick

The Donkey, the Table and the Stick


This English fairy tale is about a boy named Jack who sets out to roam the world. He gets many magical gifts for his hard work, but the greedy innkeeper always robs him of everything. Will Jack manage to punish the greedy man in the end?

The Peacock and the Crane

The Peacock and the Crane


Nature takes something from us, and gives something in return. The peacock is so obsessed with its own beauty that over time it begins to completely ignore the other animals. They aren't beautiful enough for it to talk to them. They decide to teach it a small lesson.