Lucia Koudelkova Jesenska
Too Many Things!
Polly seems to have all the toys in the world. Her room is packed to the brim with them. But is that actually a good thing? Polly gradually learns that having a huge amount of stuff is not too healthy.
It was Monday
“Alex! Tinka! Where are you? Come and eat before it gets
When the two of them finally sat down, they were behaving... well, a little peculiar. It looked to their mum like they were hiding from something or someone. Alex seemed to be excited and worried at the same time, and Tinka would occasionally giggle, though there was no apparent reason
The whole journey to school was somewhat odd
“What’s the matter, Alex?” asked his mum. Alex just shrugged.
And at another point Tinka said: “Alex, after school will you be sure to tell me everything that happened?”
Their mum was baffled by this. Her thoughts wandered. Tinka loves playing with Alex, but what he does at school never interested her before. Why would she suddenly want to know what Alex learns that
And something else was unusual. She felt as if someone — or something — was breathing down her neck the whole way there. Thankfully the holidays will soon be here, she thought, and hugged Alex in front of the school. “Have a good day,” she said to him, kissing her son
“You too, Mum. We are definitely going to enjoy it!” Alex wished her a nice day in return, and hurried off.
As he headed toward the entrance, he kept looking sideways and upwards, ever so strangely… Then on entering the…