Fairy tales and stories from Katarina Gondova.
A hand-woven carpet dreams of flying, like magic carpets in fairy tales. But it can’t seem to work out how, and no one wants to buy it. Years later, new hope arrives in an unexpected way...
Bobbie the witch becomes part of a very unexpected adventure when she mistakes a Formula 1 car for a magic formula and accidentally gets mixed up with real racing cars. How will the race turn out in the end?
Lara is a special girl who would always say she’s a secret agent. But some of the other children constantly tease her or run away. However, when an earwig appears on a cherry tree, brave Lara is the only one who isn't afraid of it. She shows the other children that there is no need to be afraid of things, just because they're different.
Vanessa and Simon are twins who set out to camp in the woods with their family. However, they see a scary shadow which looks a lot like... a dinosaur! It gives them quite a fright. Where did it come from? You’ll find out in this fun and educational story.
A cheerful fairy tale from a series about amazing insects. When a competition for the best web is about to take place, Oskar the spider doesn't hesitate to join in. But imagine his surprise when he discovers that humans can make webs too! So how will the insect fare in the human competition?
One day the letters in books start arguing and a huge mess ensues. Because of their fights, the books cannot be read at all. But one clever little girl decides to put it all in order - and solve the big alphabet quarrel.
When the most modern bicycle meets its old-fashioned colleague in a museum, hostility immediately sparks between them. How can a bicycle that is more than a century old be compared to the new one? But then they meet someone who opens their eyes and shows that there are more important things in life beyond just racing and comparison.
A tale about a green crocodile who isn’t just a blow-up toy, but also a puffed-up one, who spits poison with every word he says – so much so that all the other inflatable toys by the lake are afraid of him. But even a big scary crocodile can burst into tears at the sight of something as simple as a little pointed nail.
Mikey’s ordinary breakfast suddenly takes an extraordinary turn when he finds a magic golden sardine inside a fish can. But there’s a catch – the fish will only grant food-preserving-related wishes. What can Mikey do about that?
There is an egg in the fridge that likes to listen to fairy tales about adventures. But why should adventures only take place in fairy tales? The egg in this story decides it would like to do something exciting as well. One day, it ventures out of the fridge and into the world...
This story will take you to the hot Sahara Desert, and you’ll meet an experienced merchant travelling its sands. On the back of his dromedary, he carries a precious cargo that saves people’s lives. But what if our merchant were to succumb to greed?
You read it right, this fairy tale is really about a little girl named Crace. She is unhappy about her strange name, which everyone always gets mixed up. That's why little Crace starts to choose only the things that start with CR: crayons, crepes or crocheting. Until one day she gets a little cricket...
When Mr Grey Wolf lands a job at the FairyWorks, everything seems to go smoothly at first. However, Mr Grey Wolf is completely new to the job. First, he can’t find the house of the seven little goats. Then he nearly makes a mess of some of the other fairy tales! How in the world will this all turn out?
At the bustling farmers' market, farmers offer so many goodies that you can hardly see the little bee's stall. But when the competition for the best farmer takes place, everyone suddenly realises that without the hard-working bees, they would hardly grow anything.
Children at school laugh at Rumpel because of his name - he sounds just like a famous fairy tale. But Rumpel decides to make the best of this disadvantage and let the children know their teasing doesn't bother him. In the end, it turns out that his ability to guess every name comes in really handy!
Ronnie is very forgetful. So it’s no surprise that when she is given some pot plants, it totally slips her mind that she needs to water them. Until, that is, strange things start happening in her bedroom…
What to do with the slightly burnt gingerbread biscuits? Although they are not so tasty to eat and could be made into Christmas tree decorations, the story goes quite differently. An adventurous pre-Christmas trip awaits them, all thanks to one small mistake.
Christmas, that magical time of year, is just around the corner. For Alice, who lives in the Czech Republic, this Christmas turns out to be especially magical. While she’s Christmas shopping with her mum, she comes across something she would never have dreamed of: a tiny mermaid! What does she do with her and how do Alice and the little mermaid spend Christmas?
Only the best kid-racers can take part in this race, and Lucy is among them. From the start, we can tell that Lucy is not an ordinary racer, but we don’t know what makes her exceptional until later in the story. The message here is that regardless of who we are, we can achieve our dreams.
Natalie loves dragons more than anything else. She wanted to own everything she ever saw that was dragon-shaped or had a dragon on it. Her mum wants to give her a treat, so she promises to buy her another dragon. This time, though, she means a real live one. But do real live dragons exist? Read this story and find out more about the fascinating creatures that live on our planet.
When broken bikes end up in a junkyard, it's not the end, but, on the contrary, the beginning of something new. A newcomer will show them that a broken bike doesn't just have to lie sadly next to the rubbish, but it can still do a lot and experience many things!
One day, something very unusual happens as an orchestra rehearses. A little yellow bird hears the sound of a flute and is compelled to fly towards it, thereby discovering the instrument and the flautist. He is immediately enchanted by the flute and her music and cannot leave her alone, hovering around her for days on end. This throws the orchestra into chaos, until finally, a natural solution is found. Read about the dramatic occurrences in this melodious story.
Princess Bobbie always had everything she wanted, and yet it was never enough. She demanded new toys and new kinds of entertainment all the time. Her latest whim was to have a kitten to play with. Thanks to an unexpected visitor and his offer of an extraordinary type of cat, Bobbie finally learns to humble herself, and she even becomes generous. Read the story to find out more about this surprising transformation.
Max is very much looking forward to a trip to visit his grandparents, who live abroad. His grandfather is a famous watchmaker and he's about to show his grandson his collection of clocks, including cuckoo clocks. But Max doesn't understand why anyone would lock up a cuckoo bird for hours. What will he discover in his grandfather's workshop?
A prehistoric mammoth that’s on display in a museum comes to life one day! But only one boy realises this, and the two of them become friends. Curious as to why museum visitors keep calling him an elephant, the mammoth asks the boy to introduce him to such an animal. The boy devises a clever plan to take his new friend to the zoo…