Around the World

Let's travel around the world together? Will we first visit the seal hunters in Greenland or the African tribes? And how about getting to know the story of the Vietnamese Cinderella? Immerse yourself with the children in the secrets of traditional stories from all over the world: from the Far East through vast Africa to the eternally frozen plains of the far north.

The Magic Sandals

The Magic Sandals


Helping others selflessly makes us true heroes. A beautiful story about a kind-hearted messenger who helps the weak even at the cost of losing his job. Although he doesn’t manage to deliver an important message, everything ends up well. As a reward, he is given a pair of magic sandals. Thanks to them, he can both do his job and help others!

The King’s Tower

The King’s Tower


The desire for fame can easily keep us from using our common sense. The wasteful king decides that he wants to touch the moon. He calls the royal carpenter and orders him to build a tower so high that when he climbs all the way to the top, he will be able to touch the moon. However, his obsession eventually proves fatal.

The Monkey and the Wedge

The Monkey and the Wedge


This story teaches us that we shouldn’t poke our noses into other people’s business. When nosy monkeys come to see the construction of a new wooden temple, one of them gets into big trouble due to its carelessness. How does it turn out?

The Devil's Lair

The Devil's Lair


A story about how people, even in ancient times, want above all to ensure that good always wins over evil. The brave son of a poor widow sets out to save the king's daughter after she has been kidnapped by a devil. He finds his way to hell thanks to an old woman who gives him clues. There, together with the princess, they defeat the devil, get free and help two other kidnapped girls.

The Cunning Heron and the Crayfish

The Cunning Heron and the Crayfish


This story is rather old but the lesson not to trust promises that seem too sweet is still valid. When the old heron can no longer hunt on its own, it comes up with a plan to get food with no effort. Many naïve pond residents pay for it with their lives. Only the careful crayfish uncovers the heron’s true intentions and saves its own life.

Mr Cat from Catville

Mr Cat from Catville


Often things are not the way they seem to be. A funny story about an old cat who decides to leave his comfortable home and go into the woods among the wild animals. Along the way, without even knowing, he manages to gain respect even from much stronger animals.

The Wolf and the Ram

The Wolf and the Ram


Being smart can help us defeat even the strongest foes. A lamb wanders into the woods. A hungry wolf wants to take advantage of him at once and have him for dinner. But the lamb’s wittiness easily tricked the wolf. He saves his own life not once, but twice - thanks to his agility and intelligence.

The Princess Who Looked for Her Brothers

The Princess Who Looked for Her Brothers


This Finnish tale is about a brave princess who chooses to look for her brothers, long ago expelled from the kingdom. The story emphasizes sibling love and dedication, but also the importance of forgiveness.

The Black and Red Sweater

The Black and Red Sweater


Sometimes even small misunderstandings can end a friendship. This is what the two inseparable friends in this African story learn when a cunning traveller tricks them.

The Four Dragons

The Four Dragons


This tale explains how the four largest Chinese rivers came into being. It was thanks to four kind-hearted dragons who decided to stand up to the cruel ruler of the rain to help people during the great drought.

The Crows and the Cobra

The Crows and the Cobra


Even if it seems impossible, our wits can help us overcome the most difficult obstacles. The story teaches us that even the most powerful enemy can be defeated - one has to just think a bit. When a dangerous cobra moves in near the crow’s nest, they start to fear for their lives. They eventually learn how to get rid of the cobra from the wise old jackal.

The Extraordinary Companions

The Extraordinary Companions


Having friends by your side will make every long journey easy. This adventurous story is about a young man who travels to win the princess’ heart. On his way to the castle, he meets brave helpers who help him to overcome the obstacles and difficult tasks that he meets along the way.

The Legend of The Sun

The Legend of The Sun


This African legend tells the story of how the sun came into being, and then how it got up into the sky, where it has been shining ever since. And also, why day and night take turns.

The Dragons and the Crows

The Dragons and the Crows


One can fix mistakes and bad decisions with determination. The ruler of the crows makes a fateful decision, upending the lives of his subjects. All the crows have to leave their city, which is then occupied by dragons. Eventually, he comes up with a plan to return all the crows back home.

The Turtle, the Hippo and the Elephant

The Turtle, the Hippo and the Elephant


This story is about a smart little turtle that tricks an elephant and a hippo in order to gain their friendship. This African fairy tale also explains how turtles and tortoises came to exist.

The Northern Wind

The Northern Wind


When the Northern wind blows away all the food from Olaf and his mother’s pantry, Olaf sets out in search of it. He doesn't get the food back, but the Northern wind does give him a magical gift. However, a greedy farmer begins to encroach on the rare gift, too. Will Olaf eventually get justice?

The Man with the Coconuts

The Man with the Coconuts


This fairy tale from the Philippines tells of a man who goes to pick coconuts. However, expecting good earnings, he does not listen to the well-meaning advice of the neighbor, and even this simple task greatly complicates itself in the end.

The Delicious Stone Tteok

The Delicious Stone Tteok


This old folk tale reminds us that when we are smart, we can overcome the most difficult obstacles, even if we are at an obvious disadvantage.