Around the World

Let's travel around the world together? Will we first visit the seal hunters in Greenland or the African tribes? And how about getting to know the story of the Vietnamese Cinderella? Immerse yourself with the children in the secrets of traditional stories from all over the world: from the Far East through vast Africa to the eternally frozen plains of the far north.

The Wawel Dragon

The Wawel Dragon


This Polish legend tells about Wawel Hill, under which a terrible dragon settled and ravaged the whole countryside. However, the people eventually managed to defeat the dragon, thanks to the ingenuity of an ordinary shoemaker.

The Spider Princess

The Spider Princess


This is a story about the Inca Princess. Instead of doing her royal duties, she was carried away by her cruelty and ignorance. For her behaviour, she was punished and turned into an eternally working spider.

The El Cajas Lagoon

The El Cajas Lagoon


This tale from Ecuador tells the story of how a disastrous flood came to take the house and possessions of a rich man’s family. This was the punishment wrought upon them for being greedy and soulless. The caring deed of their housemaid doesn’t stay unnoticed, however.

The Woman and Her Bear

The Woman and Her Bear


A lonely old Inuit woman is given a polar bear cub. She raises it as her son and they are very happy together. The village also likes the bear and includes it in their activities. But as the bear gets older, it gets bigger...

The Sea Mother's Story

The Sea Mother's Story


All of the fish disappear from the sea suddenly, and the people of a seaside village begin to suffer from hunger. But one young boy decides to find out the cause of this disaster and unexpectedly finds himself transported to a place under water. There he meets the mother of the sea herself, who reveals to him what has been happening…

Why the Sun Never Married

Why the Sun Never Married


This Bulgarian legend tells how the sun planned to get married, but the promised wedding never happened. The wedding plans were thwarted by a little hedgehog. She understood the unfortunate results the heat of an entire sunny family in the sky would have. This fairy tale touches on current environmental issues.

The Eight Suns

The Eight Suns


This traditional story from Laos is about the eight suns that once burned the earth with their strong beams - every day! Only thanks to a clever archer and a rooster did the world manage to strike a balance. With its environmental theme, this old legend is also relevant nowadays.

The Ungrateful Tiger

The Ungrateful Tiger


A lovely tale about gratitude which surely everyone can take to heart. A fairy tale from the animal kingdom about being grateful, justice and an extraordinary wit that helps save a defenceless human being.

The Russet Dog

The Russet Dog


This Celtic tale brings you a merry story of a savvy fox. When her beautiful russet coat becomes a home for annoying fleas, the fox thinks of a clever way how to get rid of them.

The Legend of Vanilla

The Legend of Vanilla


Beautiful Xanath, who comes from a wealthy family, falls in love with a poor young man. They start meeting secretly because her parents would never accept someone from a penniless family. A god who lives in a nearby temple also falls in love with Xanath. But despite his wealth, he fails to win the girl's heart. He punishes Xanath in anger because there are some things in life no money can buy. We can’t buy the most important things in life such as health or love.

The Sisters Tam and Cam

The Sisters Tam and Cam


In this story, you will learn about a Vietnamese Cinderella named Tam. She, too, suffers a lot because of her cruel stepmother and her sister Cam. She does not give up, and she eventually gets justice and a happy ending.

Iktomi and Muskrat

Iktomi and Muskrat


Iktomi is a Dakota Native American, a lazy trickster, who is hiding with a pot of soup. When a friend comes by, instead of sharing the soup he tries to trick him with a race. But tricks don’t always work!

Vardiello and the Hen

Vardiello and the Hen


Vardiello isn’t a very clever son, but he thinks he is. When his mother leaves him alone in the house he gets into deeper and deeper trouble. Find out how a hen led to him hiding in the oven!

Deer Fur

Deer Fur


The legend explains how deer happen to have that discreetly camouflaged golden colour in their fur. Before, it was beautifully radiant and they were easy prey. But a chance encounter helped them lead much calmer lives.

The Monster Bulgasari

The Monster Bulgasari


This thrilling and perhaps slightly scary story from the Asian continent tells how a monk on the run accidentally creates a prickly monster. It feeds on everything made of metal, and no one can stop it. Find out how the whole Kingdom of Korea is turned upside down, just because its king has wrongfully persecuted all of the monks.

The Blacksmith and the Carpenter

The Blacksmith and the Carpenter


If we want to be successful, we need to think through our plans well. After a short visit in a village, a noble scholar decided to move in. But because of his impulsive decision, he found out too late about the unbearable noise coming from the workshops next to his house. He decided to get rid of his neighbours with a trick. However, his bad intentions brought him bad results.

Ivan and the Greedy Innkeepers

Ivan and the Greedy Innkeepers


The star of this traditional Ukrainian fairy tale is a clever man called Ivan. The people of his village didn’t like the local innkeepers because they encouraged people to drink too much alcohol. So Ivan decided to teach them a lesson! In this story, you’ll discover how things ended up for those greedy innkeepers.

Brother Tiger

Brother Tiger


This Korean story is about a woodcutter who escapes danger with his wits. And not only does he save his life from the tiger, he also gets enough food for many years to come. He does all of this by reminding the tiger of the importance of having respect and love for family.