Emotions and empathy

What’s the best way of dealing with anger or sadness? How can we know what others are feeling, and why are sympathy and tolerance so important? Stories don’t only tell our children about factual information, they also enable us to pass on valuable advice to them about empathy and emotions. In today’s world, emotional intelligence is very important and it is well worth developing it from a young age.

The Day the Queen Met a Magic Dog

The Day the Queen Met a Magic Dog


This story was prepared as a loving tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. According to her classmates, Clara is not a special girl. So everyone is surprised when she gets a special task: to welcome the Queen to their school! How will Clara rise to this challenge and face her classmates’ ridicule?

The Snow Monster

The Snow Monster


Elizabeth loves winter. She loves making snowballs and building snowmen. But one day, something she hears at her nursery school makes her afraid of them. Luckily, she trusts her father, and he sets things straight. A story for very young children about how to cope with fear.

The Day Roamer Got Bored

The Day Roamer Got Bored


Tomcat Roamer is having a day that is so ordinary and quiet it is rather dull. In fact, it gets so boring that Roamer starts misbehaving. Luckily, his trusty friend Scoot is nearby and gives him some tips on how to cope with his boredom.

The Unusual Racer

The Unusual Racer


Only the best kid-racers can take part in this race, and Lucy is among them. From the start, we can tell that Lucy is not an ordinary racer, but we don’t know what makes her exceptional until later in the story. The message here is that regardless of who we are, we can achieve our dreams.

The Noble Tower Crane

The Noble Tower Crane


Work on the construction site is about to get underway, and the machinery is ready to go. Two diggers are showing-off their skills. Only the crane stands apart, as his time has not yet come — he must wait until the foundations are in. The diggers start to make fun of the crane, teasing him about being useless. But then the tables suddenly turn, forcing the snarky diggers to recognise their ill-behaviour…

How Evie Didn’t Want to Wear Glasses

How Evie Didn’t Want to Wear Glasses


Evie is sad because she has to wear glasses. What bothers her most is that her friends might make fun of her. Out of fear, she decides to hide her glasses and every morning, after saying goodbye to her mother, she secretly takes them off so that no one can see them. But how will this little secret turn out?

The Bashful Doll

The Bashful Doll


Lily’s toys gained a new addition: a doll named Amelie. But there is a small problem — Amelie chooses not to play with the other toys, and doesn’t even speak to them. The other toys don’t have a clue as to what is going on. So they decide to find out why Amelie is acting so aloof. Let’s discover what’s holding her back!

Rudy the Rubbish Truck

Rudy the Rubbish Truck


Rudy is a little rubbish truck who does his job with great joy. But when some new rubbish trucks suddenly appear on the streets, Rudy becomes scared and angry — what if these trucks want to replace him?! This eco-themed fairy tale explores the causes of anger and other unknown feelings in children.

Shizuko the Sea Creature

Shizuko the Sea Creature


In this underwater story, you will learn about a special fish with a meaningful name. And besides hearing about the wonders of the underwater world and about interesting four-toothed creatures, you will also discover some ways to manage boredom.

The Apple Pie

The Apple Pie


Tommy is sad about something the other children said to him at school – they laughed at him because he looked different. Then his mum teaches him an important lesson while they make an apple pie together. Find out what that lesson was in this short story.

Appreciating Edith

Appreciating Edith


Edith is the school cleaner, but the pupils don’t pay much attention to her. However, everything changes when she suddenly has to take some time off. The children come to realise what a huge difference a clean school makes and how crucial the job of a cleaner is. In addition to everything they are taught in class, the pupils learn that every occupation should be valued.

The Masquerade Ball

The Masquerade Ball


Dennis, a model and well-behaved pupil, is very much looking forward to the school masquerade. He disguises himself so well that none of the children recognise him. And so he discovers that suddenly he doesn't have to be polite or good. After all, no one can see him. But is this really true?

Tracking Love Down

Tracking Love Down


Violet is bothered by something she doesn’t understand: love. What is it and what does it look like? Do you have to buy someone a bunch of roses if you want there to be love at home? To answer her worries, she and her daddy play a game of detectives, and together they find out whether there’s any love at home or not, and if so, what it actually looks like. Let’s join the three of them and find out!

Little Blue

Little Blue


What does it mean to feel blue, and what can we do if a feeling of sadness suddenly comes over us? This short story about a child’s temporary bout of the blues, shows us a way to interpret this and even overcome it.

How the Sunshine Made Friends with the Rain

How the Sunshine Made Friends with the Rain


Annette is grumpy, because it is going to rain all week while she is on holiday with her family. But on the way to the campsite she learns some new things about why rain is important. And then she sees something magical in the sky! Read this story to find out what it was.




Billy is especially grumpy today – nothing is good enough for him. Then something very odd starts to happen. Billy’s grumpiness is gradually turning him into a grumposaurus! In the story you’ll find out how Billy navigates his foul mood. And how, just before it takes over his entire existence, he learns to see the bright side of life.

The Unicorn Who Had a Secret

The Unicorn Who Had a Secret


All the horses on the farm are pleased when a new friend arrives. Interestingly, the newbie is not an ordinary horse —  he’s a unicorn called Felix. Everyone likes him, and he’s immediately invited to join in their games. They all have enormous fun together. Indeed, Felix has a lovely character and gets along well with everyone. But he has a secret. Can you imagine what that secret might be? Let’s see if you’re right.

Maya Goes Into a Rage

Maya Goes Into a Rage


Maya’s day has not got off to a good start. A series of unfortunate events has made her cross, and she doesn’t know what to do with all the anger she can feel bubbling up inside her. Luckily, her daddy is with her, and he knows exactly how to sort it out. Come along with Maya and find out about it for yourselves!