Emotions and empathy

What’s the best way of dealing with anger or sadness? How can we know what others are feeling, and why are sympathy and tolerance so important? Stories don’t only tell our children about factual information, they also enable us to pass on valuable advice to them about empathy and emotions. In today’s world, emotional intelligence is very important and it is well worth developing it from a young age.

The Ladybird With One Spot Missing?

The Ladybird With One Spot Missing?


Leonora is different from the other ladybirds in her village — she was born with six spots instead of seven. Some of the others mocked her for this, even though it was simply her natural appearance. But gradually, their attitudes changed. Let’s read the story and find out how Leonora dealt with this difference of hers.

The Fawn Who Learned to Be Brave

The Fawn Who Learned to Be Brave


Little Hoof, the youngest fawn in the family, breaks his tooth on a stone and has to visit the forest dentist for the first time. He is scared out of his wits. Not quite knowing what to expect, he imagines the worst. However, thanks to his mother’s patience and advice, and a splendid tip from his rabbit friend, he manages to address his fear and overcome it.

The Little Fairy & The Little Witch

The Little Fairy & The Little Witch


The story is about why it’s a good idea to help our parents. The little girl’s parents are feeling desperate — they do not know how to deal with their daughter, who does not want to help with anything around the house. They tried everything possible, raising their voice and pleading with her, but all in vain. Then one night, the little girl has a strange dream, thanks to which she sees the error of her ways and decides to behave differently.

Swan Love

Swan Love


Come and visit a lovely lake where a bevy of white swans live. One day, they receive an unexpected swan visitor. And would you believe it? He’s all black! How will he fit in among the other swans on the lake?

Charlie and the Dark

Charlie and the Dark


In this story, the dark is actually afraid of the light. It’s up to young Charlie to reassure the dark that it has nothing to worry about. He achieves this by showing the dark that it has a magic of its own and that the light cannot hurt it. The dark could then relax, which made them both happy.

The King’s Secret

The King’s Secret


This Irish legend tells of King Maon and the secret he was extremely ashamed of. However, no secret can be kept secret forever. Eventually, the king has to face his greatest fear – the fear of shame and ridicule.