Stories for 3+ years old

These are stories three years old should understand, but everyone can enjoy. We base our age requirements on vocabulary, topics, and overall length. It surely does not mean the stories are not suitable for older children.

Annie and Maggie

Annie and Maggie


This is a story about two sisters, Annie and Maggie, who set out to discover the world around them. In this fairy tale for the youngest ones, the sisters set out on a walk to the meadow, where they discover some insects and animals with their mother.

The Magic Flies and the Lazy Spider

The Magic Flies and the Lazy Spider


Mrs Spider doesn’t know what to do with her husband, Mr Spider, whose hobby is lying on the couch in front of the telly. However, a small group of little flies come to help her. With a clever trick, they end Mr Spider's laziness once and for all.

The Real Princess

The Real Princess


Being a princess doesn’t mean just wearing beautiful dresses, sporting a crown, and constantly dancing. The story is about a schoolgirl named Connie who doesn’t like school at all. She knows in her heart that she’d rather be a princess. But one day she experiences something unusual at school.

The Hungry Hoover

The Hungry Hoover


The hoover from this fairy tale greedily gobbles up everything, not just dust and dirt. One day, in search of more to gobble up, he decides to leave the house - but soon pays for his greed. Luckily, a kind lawnmower helps him out in the end.

Olly and Polly Visit a Shieling

Olly and Polly Visit a Shieling


When Olly and Polly, the twins, go to visit a shieling, they have no idea how many new things they’ll get to know: what happens at a traditional shieling, who are its inhabitants and many more things besides. The story introduces children to the traditional way of life and processing of sheep products.

Sloth the Superhero

Sloth the Superhero


Theodore the sloth, who spends the whole day lounging in the trees, longs for an adventure. However, when the magic fairy helps him become a superhero for a day, he finds that it is not as easy and fun as he first thought.

The Imp

The Imp


Since an ugly imp has settled in the forest behind the village, the villagers have been avoiding him and blaming him for all the misfortunes that happen to the village. However, a young girl's unfortunate fall in the forest shows the imp's real, caring face, and the villagers finally admit their mistake and put aside all their prejudices.

The Magical Merry-Go-Round

The Magical Merry-Go-Round


Even old things can still serve us. One just has to take good care of them. Each thing that serves to entertain children has a soul. It can even become alive. What are the figures on the merry-go-round talking about? What saddened them the most and how did their story end? You’ll find out when you read this heart-warming fairy tale.

Tony the Tractor

Tony the Tractor


Neither a prince, nor a courageous knight is the hero of this story for the little ones, but in fact it is brave Tony the tractor. Tony always does his best to help all the inhabitants of the farm, so when he hears that an evil dragon has kidnapped the princess, he does not hesitate and decides to go to its cave to save her.

The Cocky Inflatable Crocodile

The Cocky Inflatable Crocodile


A tale about a green crocodile who isn’t just a blow-up toy, but also a puffed-up one, who spits poison with every word he says – so much so that all the other inflatable toys by the lake are afraid of him. But even a big scary crocodile can burst into tears at the sight of something as simple as a little pointed nail.

How the Egg Didn’t Go on a Trip

How the Egg Didn’t Go on a Trip


There is an egg in the fridge that likes to listen to fairy tales about adventures. But why should adventures only take place in fairy tales? The egg in this story decides it would like to do something exciting as well. One day, it ventures out of the fridge and into the world...

The Sad Scooter

The Sad Scooter


The new pink scooter is the best gift Becky could have wished for, but as the time goes by, she uses it less and less, until it spends most time left in a corner. With the help of her mother, Becky learns an important lesson: things we don’t use anymore can make other people happy and become useful once again.

Seven Little Goats, Dwarves and a Wolf

Seven Little Goats, Dwarves and a Wolf


When Mr Grey Wolf lands a job at the FairyWorks, everything seems to go smoothly at first. However, Mr Grey Wolf is completely new to the job. First, he can’t find the house of the seven little goats. Then he nearly makes a mess of some of the other fairy tales! How in the world will this all turn out?

A Story from the Underpass

A Story from the Underpass


When the Orbweavers, a family of spiders, return from holidays, they find their home has been swept out with a broom. They decide to try and convince people to stop destroying their homes – spiders are useful to people after all! But how can they make their point if no human understands the spider language?

The Music that went Missing

The Music that went Missing


The princess is a very talented young woman, but she yearns to do the one thing that she’s terrible at — she wants to sing. However, the rest of the kingdom can’t bear to listen to it. As a result, all the music disappears from the kingdom. Later, the princess humbly realises what the problem is and sets out to solve it by bringing the music back, for all to enjoy. Isn’t music in everything around us?

Annie and Maggie in the sugar-dusted garden

Annie and Maggie in the sugar-dusted garden


Twin sisters Annie and Maggie discover the magic of snow for the first time. In this story for very young children, we invite you to venture out with our two little heroines to find out about this enchanting white wintry phenomenon.

The Mischievous Traffic Lights

The Mischievous Traffic Lights


Even old things can still serve us. One just has to take good care of them. One day the traffic light decided not to obey regulations at all and work randomly. He was bored of just showing the same colours in the same order. Moreover, he was sad because of being abandoned and rusty, especially when he saw how colourful the world around him truly was.

The DIY Cat

The DIY Cat


Princess Bobbie always had everything she wanted, and yet it was never enough. She demanded new toys and new kinds of entertainment all the time. Her latest whim was to have a kitten to play with. Thanks to an unexpected visitor and his offer of an extraordinary type of cat, Bobbie finally learns to humble herself, and she even becomes generous. Read the story to find out more about this surprising transformation.